Canada In Afghanistan

A story of military, diplomatic, political and media failure 2003-2023


Canadian leaders then and now claim great success for Canada’s role in Afghanistan from 2003 to 2014 and beyond. Though 151 Canadians were killed in combat, the Canadian military played a key role in fighting the Taliban. Canada built schools, restored a major dam, and advised a government on elections and economic development. Yet within hours of the final withdrawal by US troops in 2021, the government collapsed. The Taliban returned to power.

Why did Canada send our military to fight the Taliban and occupy Afghanistan? Why was the mission a failure? And why have Canadian governments failed to analyze the reasons for this failure?

In this book, independent scholar Owen Schalk offers a history of Canada’s role in Afghanistan. He discusses why Canada’s efforts, and those of the US and others, failed. And he shows how the Canadian media did not report accurately on the war and misinformed the public during the war and afterwards.

Owen Schalk provides an incisive, illuminating account of Canadian involvement in a war that cost lives and many billions.It’s a story that Canadian officials would prefer not be told.


Owen Schalk

Owen Schalk is an independent researcher and writer whose work focuses on domestic and foreign policy. His articles have been published by Alborada, Monthly Review and Protean magazine, and he contributes a weekly column to Canadian Dimension. He lives in Petersfield, Manitoba.

Chapter Contributors Pages Year Price
In the introduction to his book, Schalk discusses the Canadian government’s obfuscation of its own motives in becoming involved in the war in Afghanistan. He explores the propaganda that …
30 $3.00
In this chapter Schalk summarizes key moments in Canada’s political history that influenced Canada’s foreign policy leading up to, and including the years during Canada’s …
14 $1.40
In this chapter, Schalk discusses how both the Conservative and Liberal parties have historically branded themselves and Canada, and how these branding efforts have influenced the public’s …
13 $1.30
In this chapter, Schalk describes the political landscape of Afghanistan pre-war. He provides context to The United States’ motivations to occupy Afghanistan by documenting the history …
10 $1.00
In this chapter, Schalk discusses the abundance of gas, oil, and minerals that made Afghanistan an attractive entity to control. Schalk details both Canada and The United States’ attempts …
11 $1.10
In this chapter, Schalk discusses the catalyst for Canada’s role in the occupation of Afghanistan. Breaking down the true geopolitical motives that led to the Canadian military’s …
36 $3.60
In this chapter, Schalk analyzes the consequences of foreign countries imposing their aid in the development of Afghanistan. He critiques the prioritization of pro market policies prior to …
18 $1.80
In this chapter Schalk discusses the Canadian government’s strategic portrayal of their mission in Afghanistan, highlighting the use of media censorship and celebrity endorsement to …
22 $2.20
In the conclusion to his book, Schalk summarizes the impacts of Canada’s role in the war in Afghanistan. Highlighting Ottawa’s consistent lack of retrospection, the expansion of the …
12 $1.20