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ISBN: 9780776606279-12


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Criticizing Translations: The Notion of Disparity

From: Lexicography, Terminology, and Translation


Criticizing a literary translation is not about making subjective value judgments, nor about conveying a feeling, an impression, a pleasure in the reading. On the contrary, it is about performing a close analysis of the work, understanding its deeper meaning and how this meaning is rendered in the target language.



Jean Delisle

Jean Delisle, C. Tr., C. Term., is a professor at the School of Translation and Interpretation at the University of Ottawa, where he has been teaching since 1974. He has authored several books on translation teaching and the history of translation, namely L’analyse du discours comme méthode de traduction (1980), Bridging the Language Solitudes (1984), Translation in Canada, 1534–1984 (1987), The Language Alchemists (1990), La traduction raisonnée (1993; 3rd ed. 2013), and L’enseignement pratique de la traduction (2005).