
Publication Year


ISBN: 9780865717732-03

Categories: , , ,

Farm Subsides

From: Emergent Agriculture


This chapter is primarily concerned with the ways in which farms subsidize us. First, most of the farmers who fall into this category of subsidizers own small to medium-sized farms, and they don’t receive much in the way of government assistance. They are more likely to be involved in local economies and direct-markets than in global commodity markets.



Gary S. Kleppel

Gary Kleppel is a professor of Biology at the State University of New York at Albany where he focuses on sustainable agriculture, conservation-based grazing, and the ecology of human-dominated landscapes. He and his wife Pam are owners of Longfield Farm, where they produce grass-fed lamb, wool, free-range chickens and eggs, and artisanal breads. As part of the farm's educational mission, the Kleppels demonstrate sustainable farming practices and the importance of including ethics in food production to more than 100 visitors annually.