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ISBN: 9781773057033

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Shifting the Balance

How Top Organizations Beat the Competition by Combining Intuition with Data


Digital transformation expert Mark Schrutt reveals how the world’s top companies are using vast amounts of data to inform their decisions, disrupt industries, and get closer to their customers. Businesses that continue to rely only on intuition do so at their peril.

What if you had the data you always wanted and could tell what was truly an emerging trend that would forever change your industry? Shifting the Balance analyzes the turn towards data-driven decision-making and describes how best-in-class organizations use data to shift their field of vision so it is forward-looking instead of reactive. Case studies with practical examples of how leading businesses address key challenges on the path to becoming data-driven include how companies such as Hewlett-Packard and Land O’Lakes, whose industries are defined by resellers, are connecting directly with their customers to improve satisfaction and relevancy.

Shifting the Balance offers a roadmap that will enable organizations to make better business decisions that drive even better results, and provides a fascinating read along the way.


Mark Schrutt

Mark Schrutt (Toronto, ON) is a 30-year veteran of the information technology industry. His work as vice president at the leading tech research firm IDC established Mark as one of the foremost analysts and consultants on digital transformation. He is the author of over 200 IDC industry reports.

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


The introduction of this text provides an overview of the content of the book. Topics include how data-driven decision making is disrupting a variety of industries and how business leaders and … 12 $1.20


Readings in part 1 of this text explore how companies combine intuition with data and analytics to drive competitive wedges in their markets. This chapter discusses the shift to data driven … 11 $1.10


Readings in part 1 of this text explore how companies combine intuition with data and analytics to drive competitive wedges in their markets. Topics discussed in this chapter include the role of … 7 $0.70


Readings in part 1 of this text explore how companies combine intuition with data and analytics to drive competitive wedges in their markets. This chapter discusses the two conflicting approaches … 6 $0.60


Readings in part 1 of this text explore how companies combine intuition with data and analytics to drive competitive wedges in their markets. This chapter discusses the emergence of technologies … 5 $0.50


Readings in part 1 of this text explore how companies combine intuition with data and analytics to drive competitive wedges in their markets. Topics in this chapter include the application of … 9 $0.90


Readings in part 1 of this text explore how companies combine intuition with data and analytics to drive competitive wedges in their markets. Case studies in this chapter include businesses like … 10 $1.00


Readings in part 1 of this text explore how companies combine intuition with data and analytics to drive competitive wedges in their markets. This chapter explores the case of Sabermetrics and … 10 $1.00


Readings in part 2 of this text explore what it takes to be a data-driven organization that relies on facts and doesn’t make decisions based on instinct. Topics covered in this chapter … 10 $1.00


Readings in part 2 of this text explore what it takes to be a data-driven organization that relies on facts and doesn’t make decisions based on instinct. Topics discussed in this chapter … 5 $0.50


Readings in part 2 of this text explore what it takes to be a data-driven organization that relies on facts and doesn’t make decisions based on instinct. Case studies included in this … 13 $1.30


Readings in part 2 of this text explore what it takes to be a data-driven organization that relies on facts and doesn’t make decisions based on instinct. This chapter discusses what can … 5 $0.50


Readings in part 3 of this text explore how data-driven organizations share core values and how businesses can build connections with their data. This chapter discusses how successful … 9 $0.90


Readings in part 3 of this text explore how data-driven organizations share core values and how businesses can build connections with their data. This chapter explores how data can be used to … 10 $1.00


Readings in part 3 of this text explore how data-driven organizations share core values and how businesses can build connections with their data. This chapter explores the predictive value of … 6 $0.60


Readings in part 3 of this text explore how data-driven organizations share core values and how businesses can build connections with their data. 8 $0.80


Readings in part 4 of this text explore the ways in which data-driven decision making are applied to different industries. This chapter explores case studies in the world of professional sports … 20 $2.00


Readings in part 4 of this text explore the ways in which data-driven decision making are applied to different industries. This chapter explored case studies in the Canadian government, including … 22 $2.20


Readings in part 4 of this text explore the ways in which data-driven decision making are applied to different industries 25 $2.50


Readings in part 4 of this text explore the ways in which data-driven decision making are applied to different industries 23 $2.30


Afterword 7 $0.70