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ISBN: 9781459416932-10

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The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki


From: Myths of Modern History


Pauwels examines the mythologized narratives surrounding the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which America’s mainstream media has long presented as a tragic necessity in order to force Tokyo to capitulate and thus prevent countless American soldiers as well as Japanese military and civilians from being killed during an invasion of Japan that would otherwise have proved necessary. As Pauwels explains, this is not the truth; Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed to intimidate soviet leadership and to prevent the Soviets from making a contribution to the victory against Japan. What’s more, it was not the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but the Soviet entry into the war against Japan, that caused Tokyo to surrender.



Jacques R. Pauwels

Jacques R. Pauwels has taught European history at a number of universities in Ontario, including York, Waterloo and Guelph. He is the author of The Great Class War 1914–1918, Big Business and Hitler and The Myth of the Good War, revisionist histories of the rise of fascism and the World Wars. His books are read around the world and have been published in French, Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch, Russian, Turkish and Korean. An independent scholar, Pauwels holds PhDs in history (York) as well as political science (U of T). He lives in Brantford, Ontario.