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ISBN: 9781771861359-04

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The US Occupation

From: Patriots, Traitors and Empires


Chapter four, The US Occupation focuses on the reasoning behind American interests in the Korean Peninsula after the Second World War. He focuses on the perspective of the American, Soviets, and Korean leadership to this act and how it played out. There was no internal reason to divide the country. Koreans hadn’t asked for division. And Korea wasn’t a defeated aggressor state, like Germany, to be divided into occupation zones to keep it down, so the chapter focuses on the reasons behind the split.



Stephen Gowans

Stephen Gowans is an independent political analyst whose principal interest is in who influences formulation of foreign policy in the United States. His writings, which appear on his What’s Left blog, have been reproduced widely in online and print media in many languages and have been cited in academic journals and other scholarly works.