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ISBN: 9781773632254-10

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Migrant Organizing on the New Fault Lines of Global Capitalism

From: Essential Work Disposable Workers


This chapter illustrates how new unions and worker centres emerged to successfully organize in global cities like Toronto, New York and London and within the chokepoints of logistics hubs for platform capitalism. There is a survey of taxi driver organizing in Toronto, New York and the UK who seek to organize Uber drivers, and the self-organizing of Latin American cleaners in London and inside warehouses from Dollarama in Montreal to Amazon in the US, as well as migrant workers in the warehouses of northern Italy.



Mostafa Henaway

Mostafa Henaway, a Canadian-born Egyptian, is a long-time community organizer at the Immigrant Workers Centre in Montreal, where he has been organizing for justice for immigrant/migrant workers for over two decades. He is also a researcher and PhD candidate at Concordia University