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ISBN: 9781773632254-09

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New Forms of Organizing

From: Essential Work Disposable Workers


This chapter describes how worker centres emerged as a new model of organizing migrant workers in response to the sweeping global economic transformations of neoliberalism, described in the first part of this book. As trade unions faced attacks by employers and governments, they also faced challenges in organizing migrant workers due to the restructuring of work as more temporary and lower paid. I use the example of the Immigrant Workers Centre in Montreal as a case study of how worker centres organize to confront the very nature of the structures that render workers low-wage, insecure and disposable.



Mostafa Henaway

Mostafa Henaway, a Canadian-born Egyptian, is a long-time community organizer at the Immigrant Workers Centre in Montreal, where he has been organizing for justice for immigrant/migrant workers for over two decades. He is also a researcher and PhD candidate at Concordia University