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ISBN: 9780776606279


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Lexicography, Terminology, and Translation

Text-based Studies in Honour of Ingrid Meyer

This volume in honour of Ingrid Meyer is a tribute to her work in the interrelated fields of lexicography, terminology and translation. One key thing shared by these fields is that they all deal with text. Accordingly, the essays in this collection are united by the fact that they too are all “text-based” in some way. In the majority of essays, electronic corpora serve as the textual basis for investigations. Chapters focusing on electronic corpora include a description of a tool that can be used to help build specialized corpora in a semi-automatic fashion; corpus-based investigations of terminological knowledge patterns, terminological implantation, lexicographic information and translation solutions; comparisons of corpora to conventional resources such as dictionaries; and analyses of corpus processing tools such as translation memory systems. In several essays, notably those dealing with historical or literary documents, the texts in question are specific manuscripts that have been studied with a view to learning more about lexicographic and translation practice. The volume is rounded out with a chapter on audiovisual translation that takes a non-conventional view of text, where “text” includes film.


Lynne Bowker

Lynne Bowker, C. Tran., is an associate professor at the School of Translation and Interpretation at the University of Ottawa. She obtained an MA in translation from that institution under the supervision of Ingrid Meyer, and she went on to obtain a PhD in language engineering from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology in the United Kingdom. Her research interests include translation technology, terminology, and corpus linguistics. She is the author of Computer-Aided Translation Technology (2002) and a co-author of Working with Specialized Language: A Practical Guide to Using Corpora (2002). From 1998 to 2004, she was a co-editor of the Bibliography of Translation Studies, and she is currently a member of the editorial board for the journals Localisation Focus and International Journal of Corpus Linguistics.
Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


Introduction 10 $1.40


In the following pages, we will look at the work of one specific lexicographer, Guy Miìge. Miìge’s first bilingual dictionary, entitled A New Dictionary French and English, … 12 $1.68


Lexicographic relevance became a hot topic with the development of the text corpus: this is now, for many lexicographers, the principal source of information about their headwords. 19 $2.66


As keepers of our language, monolingual dictionaries are important cultural objects and therefore must adhere to certain social rules. Some of those rules can affect the forms of the definitions … 19 $2.66


Recent work in terminology shows an increasing interest in a largevariety of relationships between terms (qualified by authors as semantic,terminological, or conceptual). Hyperonymy and meronymy … 14 $1.96


Constructing a corpus is the first step in the process of building a terminological knowledge base (TKB). To do so, terminologists face the difficult task of finding informative domain-specific … 12 $1.68


Translators use tools to search for linguistic and conceptual information and to locate new resources that can help them in the translation process. They also use translation technology to … 14 $1.96


No matter how they are dissected, terminology planning efforts, like any management process, always include an evaluation and control phase. This phase is an opportune time to take a critical … 12 $1.68


While increases in frequency and narrowing of collocational range are typical of terminological formation, there may well be (at least in the humanities) a difference in kind between … 11 $1.54


In the sixth century, Justinian I, Emperor of the East, instructed a commission of jurists to compile and correct the classical Roman laws. The commission produced what became known in the West … 12 $1.68


One of the most popular works of the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. It is a biting satire of human morals and activities comprising a series of chapters displaying various sins and … 14 $1.96


Criticizing a literary translation is not about making subjective value judgments, nor about conveying a feeling, an impression, a pleasure in the reading. On the contrary, it is about performing … 15 $2.10


In recent years, a number of observations have been made with regard to the impact that TM tools can have on the quality of target texts. A few of these observations have been made by … 13 $1.82


The methodology provides a valid and reliable comparison of the two approaches to searching for and retrieving information from a database. 11 $1.54


Beginning with the word processors and the term banks of the 1970s, translators have turned to computers for assistance with at least three different tasks: documentary and terminological … 14 $1.96


Dictionaries and corpora remain essentially different tools. Dictionaries chase a moving target (as Sue Atkins has said), corpora get closer to this moving target, but even they are always … 12 $1.68


In Spain, film translation (FT), as an area of academic study, began to make a modest appearance in university courses from 1994 onward, starting at the University of Valladolid. Then came the … 12 $1.68