Andreas Weber

Showing all 16 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

The Biology of Wonder

Aliveness, Feeling, and the Metamorphosis of Science

In The Biology of Wonder author Andreas Weber proposes a new approach to the biological sciences that puts the human back in nature. He argues that feelings and emotions, far from being … 336 View


Towards a Poetic Ecology

From: The Biology of Wonder

In the introduction, Weber discusses attempts to separate emotions and nature in the science of biology, and how modern researchers are rejecting this earlier paradigm. 14 $1.40 Add

The Desire for Life

From: The Biology of Wonder

The author discusses his scientific education, and how he felt that something was lacking in the overly mechanistic conception of life in biology. 19 $1.90 Add

The Machine That Can Die

From: The Biology of Wonder

In this chapter, the author explores "holistic biology," which considers both bodily and inner experiences as biological phenomena. 34 $3.40 Add

The Physics of Creation

From: The Biology of Wonder

In this chapter, Weber examines how complex natural patterns reveal the interrelated nature of life and the anorganic environment. 18 $1.80 Add

World Inscape

From: The Biology of Wonder

This chapter discusses how emotions are embodied, and how the inward feelings of organisms are accessible through their bodily presence. 20 $2.00 Add

Affective Neuroscience

From: The Biology of Wonder

This chapter probes the links between subjective experience, consciousness, and the body. 30 $3.00 Add

The Question in the Eyes of the Wolf

From: The Biology of Wonder

In this chapter, the author describes his journey to study the Ethiopian wolf; this story is the basis for Weber’s meditation on the connections between living beings. 21 $2.10 Add

Learning to Think

Mirroring the Other

From: The Biology of Wonder

This chapter explores cognition in infants, toddlers, and animals. 30 $3.00 Add

Melody of the Soul

From: The Biology of Wonder

In this chapter, Weber explores natural beauty through birdsong and music 25 $2.50 Add

The Principle of Beauty

From: The Biology of Wonder

In this chapter, the author provides a critique of the Darwinian notion of "nature as a survival machine." 32 $3.20 Add

The Body of the Sea

From: The Biology of Wonder

This chapter explores why we must focus on a multiplicity of species to understand the enigma of life. 19 $1.90 Add

Not One, But All

From: The Biology of Wonder

This chapter examines the connections between microbial ecosystems in the ocean and human symbiosis with microbes. 20 $2.00 Add

The Silvery Sea

From: The Biology of Wonder

In this chapter, Weber explores metaphorphosis, and the idea that juvenile forms of animals may actually belong to different species than adults. 17 $1.70 Add


The Values of the Flesh

From: The Biology of Wonder

This chapter describes the author’s experiences experimenting on living animals, which he terms "crushing the irresistable magic of life." 26 $2.60 Add


Ecological Morals as Mutuality in Beauty

From: The Biology of Wonder

In the concluding chapter, Weber proposes a series of biocentric values. 15 $1.50 Add