Elizabeth A. McGibbon

Showing all 7 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase


A Social Determinant of Health, 2nd Edition

In this current environment, it is urgent to understand how oppression and health are closely connected. Oppression: A Social Determinant of Health offers a thorough and accessible overview of … 264 View


From: Oppression

The preface outlines the aim of this book, which is to reframe health inequities in Canada explicitly within the context of systemic oppression. 2 $0.20 Add

Introduction to Oppression: A Social Determinant of Health

From: Oppression

This chapter introduces the goals of this book, gives an overview of its contents, and offers definitions for key terms and concepts explored throughout the book. 21 $2.10 Add

People and Planet Under Threat: Social, Ecological, and Structural Determinants of Health

From: Oppression

This chapter explores various oppressive systemic processes that are impacting human and planetary health. 19 $1.90 Add

The Politics of Mental Health: Pathologizing the Impacts of Injustice

From: Oppression

This chapter looks at how oppression is linked to mental and spiritual health and well-being, and critiques Canada’s mental health system. 20 $2.00 Add

Oppression and the Political Economy of Health Inequities Elizabeth

From: Oppression

This chapter seeks to understand health from a structural perspective, which involves analyzing the origins and results of social, political, economic and cultural power hierarchies. 20 $2.00 Add

Human Rights and Health

From: Oppression

This chapter discusses core concepts about human rights and the evolution and future of health as a human right in Canada and beyond. 22 $2.20 Add