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Showing 12177–12192 of 12309 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Appendix 1: The Constitution Act, 1867

From: The Court and the Constitution

The Constitution Act, 1867 ; ; ; 6 $0.60 Add

Implementation of a Two-Eyed Seeing Treatment Model in an Indigenous Residential Treatment Program

From: About Face

The final section of the book discusses a variety of organizations that work to help people suffering from addictions. 8 $0.80 Add

Out of the Cold the Thousands Came

From: Any Other Way

A letter written by retired Philip McLeod to his friends describing the massive protests that occurred in Toronto following the police raids on bathhouses in the city. 4 $0.40 Add

Remembering Toronto’s First Chinatown

From: The Ward

5 $0.50 Add

Silencing Menstruation among the Inuit

From: Gendered Intersections

6 $0.60 Add

The Art of Possible

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

Excerpt of a 1961 book by James Eayrs describing the role of the Prime Minister in relation to the Cabinet and the Governor General with respect to foreign affairs. ; ; 4 $0.40 Add

An Unsurpassed Rabble-Rouser: Chris Bearchell

From: Any Other Way

Gillian Rodgerson recounds how Chris Bearchell became the outspoken face of Canadian lesbians in the 1970’s and ’80s 3 $0.30 Add

Appendix 2: The Constitution Act, 1982

From: The Court and the Constitution

The Constitution Act, 1982 ; ; ; 6 $0.60 Add


Menopause Barbie

From: Gendered Intersections

; ; 2 $0.20 Add

Sunshine Coast Health Center

From: About Face

The final section of the book discusses a variety of organizations that work to help people suffering from addictions. 9 $0.90 Add

Tabula Rasa

From: The Ward

3 $0.30 Add

The Better Part of Valour

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

1970 essay by John W. Holmes on the impact of nationalism on Canadian foreign policy. ; ; 5 $0.50 Add

‘Friend of the Court’: Legal Resistance at Old City Hall

From: Any Other Way

Tom Hooper recounts how the Right to Privacy Committee provided legal representation and advocacy for hundreds of men charged in the aftermath of the 1981 bathouse raids. 3 $0.30 Add

Appendix 2: The Constitution Act, 1982

The Constitution Act, 1982 ; ; ; 6 $0.60 Add

Dearest Sophia

From: Gendered Intersections

5 $0.50 Add

Forgotten Partnership: US – Canada Relations Today

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

Excerpt of a 1984 book by Charles F. Doran discussing the special nature of the relationship between Canada and the United States on structural and policy grounds. ; ; 4 $0.40 Add