Ajay Parasram

Showing all 14 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Frequently Asked White Questions

Are you a white person with questions about how race affects different situations, but you feel awkward, shy, or afraid to ask the people of colour in your life? Are you a racialized person who … ; 128 View

For FAWQ’s Sake

From: Frequently Asked White Questions

In the introduction, authors Ajay Parasram and Alex Khasnabish  discuss the challenges with providing and conducting antiracist education and their previous experience creating the Safe … ; 10 $1.00 Add

Can you be racist against white people?

From: Frequently Asked White Questions

Chapter 1 asks the question, can you be racist against white people? Topics discussed include racism and "reverse racism," imperialism, colonialism, and capitalism, exploitation, and … ; 10 $1.00 Add

How do we fix past wrongs without creating new ones?

From: Frequently Asked White Questions

Chapter 2 asks the question, how do we fix past wrongs without creating new ones? Topics discussed include the Land Back movement and reparations, Canadian settler-colonial capitalism, and … ; 11 $1.10 Add

How does racism relate to other forms of oppression?

From: Frequently Asked White Questions

Chapter 3 asks the question, how does racism relate to other forms of oppression? Discussing topics including types of oppression, solidarity and social justice, identity politics and … ; 12 $1.20 Add

How can I make antiracism part of my family life?

From: Frequently Asked White Questions

Chapter 4 asks the question, how can I make antiracism part of my family life? Topics discussed include structural violence, relationships and kinships, family life, the difference between race … ; 13 $1.30 Add

How can I talk about social justice without turning people off?

From: Frequently Asked White Questions

Chapter 5 asks the question, how can I talk about social justice without turning people off? Topics discussed include specialized language, conspiracies, incels, and the far right, and the motif … ; 13 $1.30 Add

What’s the difference between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation?

From: Frequently Asked White Questions

Chapter 6 asks the question, what is the difference between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation? Discussing both cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation, consumerism, … ; 13 $1.30 Add

Can members of an oppressed group be oppressors?

From: Frequently Asked White Questions

Chapter 7 asks the question, can members of an oppressed group be oppressors? Discussing topics including forms of structural power, such as class, gender, sexuality, or religious position, … ; 14 $1.40 Add

How can white people be involved in antiracist struggles without centring themselves?

From: Frequently Asked White Questions

Chapter 8 asks the question, how can white people be involved in antiracist struggles without centering themselves? Discussing topics including the problematic positions of being the saviour or … ; 10 $1.00 Add

How can I be an antiracist in my everyday life?

From: Frequently Asked White Questions

Chapter 9 asks the question, how can I be an antiracist in my everyday life? Discussing topics including white fragility, breaking the inertia of racism, normalizing discomfort for others, … ; 12 $1.20 Add

How can we build the world we deserve?

From: Frequently Asked White Questions

Chapter 10 asks the question, how can we build the world we deserve? Discussing the everyday topics of voting, capitalism, the carceral system, defunding the police and refunding society, settler … ; 17 $1.70 Add

The Race Card: Conclusion

From: Frequently Asked White Questions

The conclusion reflects on countering the charge of “playing the race card” or the “gender card” or the “queer card” and so forth, reflecting on dismantling … ; 6 $0.60 Add

Appendix A

From: Frequently Asked White Questions

Appendix A: Top ten principles for thinking about racial politics as a white person ; 3 $0.30 Add