Political Science

Showing 3185–3200 of 3207 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Canadian Society: Identities and Diversities: Introduction

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

Description of the writings included in Part IV: Canadian Society: Identities and Diversities ; ; 8 $0.80 Add

Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

Excerpt of a 1970 Royal Commission Report recommending measures to remedy a lack of equality between women and men regarding rights and freedoms. ; ; 6 $0.60 Add

Patriarchy and Paternalism: The Legacy of the Canadian State for First Nations Women

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

1993 article by Mary Ellen Turpel asserting that the concept of gender equality underlying a 1967 Royal Commission was conceptually and culturally inappropriate for First Nations women. ; ; 6 $0.60 Add

The Dark Side of the Nation

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

2000 article by Himani Bannerji arguing that the discourse of diversity has political imperatives and is not simply innocent pluralism. ; ; 6 $0.60 Add

Identity and Opportunity: The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Movement

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

Excerpt of a 2014 book by Miriam Smith outlining the legal, social and political changes to the status of LGBT people in Canada since the 1960s. ; ; 7 $0.70 Add

“The White Paper”: Statement of the Government of Canada on Indian Policy

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

Excerpt of a 1969 White Paper presented by Jean Chrétien proposing a policy to replace the Indian people’s role of dependence with a role of equal status, opportunity and responsibility. ; ; 4 $0.40 Add

The Unjust Society

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

Excerpt of a 1969 book by Harold Cardinal criticizing the federal government’s 1969 Indian policy as a thinly disguised program of extermination through assimilation. ; ; 4 $0.40 Add

Wasáse: Indigenous Pathways of Action and Freedom

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

Excerpt of a 2005 book by Taiaiake Alfred describing a strategic vision of nonviolent contention as a means for indigenous peoples to regain freedom and achieve political independence. ; ; 6 $0.60 Add

Red Skin, White Masks

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

Excerpt of a 2014 book by Glen Sean Coulthard arguing that the politics of mutual recognition between the state and indigenous peoples would perpetuate colonialist, racist and patriarchal state … ; ; 8 $0.80 Add

Strangers Within Our Gates

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

Excerpt of a 1909 book by J.S. Woodsworth examining the advisability or justifiability of excluding as immigrants both individuals and classes of individuals. ; ; 3 $0.30 Add

Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

Excerpt of a 1967 Royal Commission Report by A. Davidson Dunton and André Laurendeau stating that the principle of equality between the two founding peoples requires that the linguistic … ; ; 3 $0.30 Add

Statement on Multiculturalism

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

Excerpt of a 1971 statement by Pierre Elliott Trudeau to the House of Commons announcing a policy of multiculturalism within a bilingual framework. ; ; 3 $0.30 Add

The Ambiguities of a Bilingual and Multicultural Canada

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

1972 article by Guy Rocher criticizing the federal government’s 1971 policy on multiculturalism as ambiguous, faulty and dangerous. ; ; 4 $0.40 Add

Bouchard-Taylor Report on Accommodation Practices in Quebec

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

Excerpt of a 2008 report by Gérard Bouchard and Charles Taylor recommending to the Quebec government the means to ensure that accommodation practices related to cultural differences conform … ; ; 7 $0.70 Add

Is Race Political?

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

2008 article by Debra Thompson arguing that race is a social and political construction, but that it is largely neglected by political science scholarship. ; ; 9 $0.90 Add

The Regina Manifesto

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

1933 declaration by the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation of a desire to replace the capitalist system with a social order based on economic planning and economic equality. ; ; 8 $0.80 Add