Donald Gutstein

Showing 1–16 of 28 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase


How Stephen Harper and his think tank colleagues have transformed Canada

Margaret Thatcher transformed British political life forever. So did Ronald Reagan in the United States. Now Canada has experienced a similar, dramatic shift to a new kind of politics, which … 288 View

The Big Stall

How big oil and think tanks are blocking action on climate change in Canada

This book traces the origins of the Trudeau government’s climate change plan back to the energy sector itself — in particular Big Oil. It shows how, in the last fifteen years, Big Oil … 304 View


From: Harperism

Outlines Stephen Harper’s changes that were instituted, outlines a connection between neo-liberal think tanks and Harper’s election, comparisons to Reganism and Thatcherism 10 $1.00 Add


From: The Big Stall

Compares and contrasts the energy policies of Pierre and Justin Trudeau to demonstrate the shift from a government able and willing to intervene in the economy to pursue the national interest to … 3 $0.30 Add

Big Oil Takes Control

From: The Big Stall

Analyzes the rise of neo-liberalism think tanks in Canada and their impact on energy policy through the 1970s and 1980s. Trudeau’s Keynesian interventions such as the NEP and Petro Canada … 18 $1.80 Add

Convince Canadians of the Importance of Economic Freedom

From: Harperism

Explores the history of economic freedom, how canadians have been convinced that it is a good thing, the policies Harper has put in place to make it happen 35 $3.50 Add

Containing Environmentalism

From: The Big Stall

Describes the business lobby’s tactics to contain environmentalism propaganda, including the use of think tanks, during the 1970s and 1980s. Details the rise of neo-liberalism via the Mont … 24 $2.40 Add

Send in the Think Tanks to Win the Battle of Ideas

From: Harperism

focuses on Brian Lee Crowley, his neoliberal ideas, and the think tank he founded 39 $3.90 Add

Reject Unions and Prosper

From: Harperism

Looks at the Harper Government in terms of labour relations 34 $3.40 Add

Rio to Kyoto

The Road Not Taken

From: The Big Stall

Analyzes the tactic of "greenwashing" and the use of terms like "sustainable development" allowing big business to adopt the language of environmentalism but none of the … 16 $1.60 Add

Liberate Dead Capital on First Nation Reserves

From: Harperism

Harper’s dealings and policy regarding first nations and reserves. Looks at the First Nations Property Ownership Act. Analyzes how the harper government has painted the problems facing … 37 $3.70 Add

Tom Gets His Way; Murray Enters the Fray

From: The Big Stall

Discusses how, by the mid 1990s, the federal Liberals are firmly committed to neo-liberalism. Finance Minister Paul Martin slashes corporate taxes while the party introduces "voluntary" … 14 $1.40 Add

Big Oil and Think Tanks Besiege Kyoto

From: The Big Stall

Examines the business led campaign to discredit the Kyoto Accord in the 1990s and 2000s. Big business lobbied for a "made in Canada" solution while funding a massive anti-Kyoto … 20 $2.00 Add

Counter the Environmental Threat to the Market

From: Harperism

Looks at the Harper Government’s environmental policy with particular focus paid to the idea of ethical oil 34 $3.40 Add

Carbon Pricing

Economists vs. the Public Interest

From: The Big Stall

Reviews competing economic theories about tackling pollution. Explains Edmund Pigou’s work on "externalities" and neo-liberal ideas. An analysis of the two major policy proposals … 21 $2.10 Add

Undermine Scientific Knowledge

From: Harperism

looks at the ways the harper government has underminded scientific knowledge through the long form census, budgets, shuttering scientific activity, and his red tape reduction act 32 $3.20 Add