Jo-Anne Hughes

Showing 1–16 of 23 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Child Victims in Canada’s Justice System

Child Victims in Canada’s Justice System is a thoroughly researched resource that will be useful for anyone working with or establishing public policy with respect to children who have … ; ; 228 View


From: Child Victims in Canada’s Justice System

The Introduction explains the audience and objective of the book as well as outlines topics discussed and some notes on terminology. ; ; 2 $0.20 Add

Incidence of Child Sexual Abuse

From: Child Victims in Canada’s Justice System

Chapter One Incidence of Child Sexual Abuse examines how child sexual abuse has been addressed in Canada and the immediate and long-term physical, emotional, and psychological effects it has on a … ; ; 9 $0.90 Add

Human Trafficking

From: Child Victims in Canada’s Justice System

Chapter Two Human Trafficking examines the crime of human trafficking in Canada. The chapter focuses on the growing crime of sex trafficking in Canada and and how it is affecting at-risk … ; ; 6 $0.60 Add

Symptoms of Child Sexual Abuse

From: Child Victims in Canada’s Justice System

Chapter Three Symptoms of Child Sexual Abuse examines the importance of understanding the signs of sexual abuse, particularly for caregivers, teachers, physicians, childcare workers, and others. … ; ; 8 $0.80 Add

Disclosing the Abuse

From: Child Victims in Canada’s Justice System

Chapter Four Disclosing the Abuse examines the challenges of getting children to come forward with their abuse to those who can help; many children do not report their abuse until much later, or … ; ; 7 $0.70 Add

The Investigation of Child Sexual Abuse

From: Child Victims in Canada’s Justice System

Chapter Five The Investigation of Child Sexual Abuse examines investigative practices into child sexual abuse in Canada. The chapter explores topics such as the role of Child Protection, Police … ; ; 14 $1.40 Add

The Role of Child and Youth Advocacy Centres

From: Child Victims in Canada’s Justice System

Chapter Six The Role of Child and Youth Advocacy Centres examines the establishment of Child Advocacy Centres/Child & Youth Advocacy Centres (CACs/CYACs). The chapter examines their typical … ; ; 6 $0.60 Add

Canada’s Court Structure

From: Child Victims in Canada’s Justice System

Chapter Seven Canada’s Court Structure examines the Canadian court systems and how they vary by province. The chapter explores the Provincial/Territorial Court of Justice, Superior Court of … ; ; 5 $0.50 Add

The Rights of the Accused

From: Child Victims in Canada’s Justice System

Chapter Eight The Rights of the Accused examines the set of rules that govern child sexual abuse designed to protect victims and the rights of the accused. The chapter explores topics such as the … ; ; 7 $0.70 Add

Participants in the Trial

From: Child Victims in Canada’s Justice System

Chapter Nine Participants in the Trial provides an overview of what goes on during a trial. The chapter discusses the role of the Crown Attorney, Defence Counsel, Judge, Jury, Accused, Court … ; ; 8 $0.80 Add

The Trial

From: Child Victims in Canada’s Justice System

Chapter Ten The Trial examines all aspects of the trial. The chapter explores testimonial aids, trial outcomes, child protection orders, publication bans, how a victim learns the verdict, and the … ; ; 9 $0.90 Add

History of Law Reforms in Canada

From: Child Victims in Canada’s Justice System

Chapter Eleven History of Law Reforms in Canada examines the history of law reforms in Canada relating to sexual offences against children. The chapter explores topics including Bill C-15 (1987), … ; ; 12 $1.20 Add

Criminal Law on Child Sexual Abuse

From: Child Victims in Canada’s Justice System

Chapter Twelve Criminal Law on Child Sexual Abuse examines how Child sexual abuse offences are outlined in the Criminal Code of Canada. The chapter delves deeper into topics in the Criminal Code … ; ; 7 $0.70 Add

Support for Child Witnesses

From: Child Victims in Canada’s Justice System

Chapter Thirteen Support for Child Witnesses examines the support services for Children who are required to testify in court, either as a victim of or a witness to a crime. The chapter explores … ; ; 11 $1.10 Add

Pre-trial Support

From: Child Victims in Canada’s Justice System

Chapter Fourteen Pre-trial Support examines the support services for Children who are required to testify in court, either as a victim of or a witness to a crime, before the trial. This chapter … ; ; 7 $0.70 Add