John Steinman

Showing all 15 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Grocery Story

The Promise of Food Co-ops in the Age of Grocery Store Giants

Food has become ground-zero in our efforts to increase awareness of how our choices impact the world. Yet while we have begun to transform our communities and dinner plates, the most … 306 View

Rise of the Grocery Giants

From: Grocery Story

This chapter begins the description of the actions and tactics of "big food". The history of the A&P grocery retalier is described, as well as Piggly Wiggly, the first self-service … 15 $1.50 Add

Retailer Market Power

From: Grocery Story

This chapter describes retailer market power– current and historical– in the United States, as well as efforts to contain this power. The 1980s and the US Regan administration’s … 14 $1.40 Add

Food Prices and the People Who Grow Our Food

From: Grocery Story

This chapter describes food prices and the effect on the people who grow our food. How is the price of food determined and how does it impact every other link in the food chain? How does market … 17 $1.70 Add

Grocery Stores

The Food System’s Control Center

From: Grocery Story

The anti-competetive business as usual practiced by Canada’s grocery giants and the testing of the boundaries of the law is described. Lost in this regime is flavour, genetic diversity, and … 25 $2.50 Add


From: Grocery Story

This chapter describes alternative, viable, models for grocery stores and the "food shed" of local retailers and growers in Nelson, BC, and Viroqua, Wisconsin. The grocery store chains … 11 $1.10 Add

Enter the Co-op

From: Grocery Story

In this chapter the author describes the history of co-ops from 1761 in Scotland to the revival of community-owned grocery stores in the 1980s. The structure and types of co-ops, their … 13 $1.30 Add

The Food Co-op Waves

From: Grocery Story

This chapter describes Black American and working-class consumer co-ops founded in the 1930s Great Depression, many of which, resembling conventional grocery stores, are still in operation while … 18 $1.80 Add

Consumer Food Co-ops Today

From: Grocery Story

The many facets and community-building features of consumer food co-ops today, from continuing and children’s education to community giving and non-profit arms are described. Also described … 28 $2.80 Add

Co-ops as Food Desert Remediation

From: Grocery Story

This chapter describes the way chain stores are reluctant to establish or to continue serving low-income neighbourhoods, forcing residents to live in "food deserts", a mile for more … 14 $1.40 Add

Food Co-ops and the Local Economy

From: Grocery Story

This chapter describes the benefits of food co-ops to the local economy via the retention of profits, local supply chains, and the value of using the language of "economic development" … 18 $1.80 Add

Local Foodmakers

The People Behind the Products

From: Grocery Story

Examples of local foodmakers and the pitfalls they experience in supplying grocery chains are described. The role of food co-ops as small business incubators and the fair dealiing policies co-ops … 16 $1.60 Add

Threats to Food Co-ops

From: Grocery Story

The co-opting by grocery chains of co-op values as marketing strategies is described, as well as the challenges of the "cornucopia effect", caused by a dizzying variety of choice. The … 20 $2.00 Add

Growing Food Co-ops, Growing the Movement

From: Grocery Story

The Kootenay Co-op expansion to a new location is described through member loans and– a first in food co-op history– as a developer of Nelson Commons, residential units above the … 12 $1.20 Add


Where Do We Go from Here?

From: Grocery Story

The author asserts that capitalist economies do not serve the food needs of entire nations, and that the co-operative model is the means through which public spaces like the food supply can … 3 $0.30 Add