Lorne Sossin

Showing all 4 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

The McLachlin Court and the Promise of Procedural Justice

From: Public Law at the McLachlin Court

The McLachlin Court has turned to procedural justice as a wellspring for solving difficult disputes in a variety of contexts. In this brief article, the author examines three such contexts: (1) … 22 $2.20 Add

Can Canadian Federalism Be Relevant?

From: What's Next for Canada?

Critique of the Securities Reference for a failure to articulate an approach to Canadian federalism that is relevant to the realities of the twenty-first century administrative state. 8 $0.80 Add

In Search of Coherence

The Charter and Administrative Law under the McLachlin Court

From: Public Law at the McLachlin Court

With her appointment as chief justice, Madame Justice McLachlin inherited one of the most exasperating analytical tangles in modern public law. When an alleged Charter violation occurs as a … ; 19 $1.90 Add

Social Rights and Administrative Justice

From: Advancing Social Rights in Canada

Argument for a rights-based culture to be developed within the sphere of administrative justice. ; 22 $2.20 Add