Nora Loreto

Showing 17–30 of 30 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Ad Hoc Organizing in the Digital Age

From: Take Back the Fight

Chapter seven, Ad Hoc Organizing in the Digital Age, looks at the relationship between ad hoc organizing and collective organizing using the SlutWalk Phenomenon as an example of ad hoc organizing … 22 $2.20 Add

September 2020: Back to School

From: Spin Doctors

This chapter examines Covid-19 in relation to schools. Loreto discusses how the transitions from in person and online classes impacted Covid outbreaks, as well as how public policy and the media … 22 $2.20 Add

Accountable Leadership

From: Take Back the Fight

In chapter eight, Accountable Leadership, the importance of leaders in the feminist movement and the importance of accountability in leadership is considered. The author emphasizes the … 16 $1.60 Add

October 2020: Migrant Workers and COVID-19

From: Spin Doctors

This chapter focuses on how Covid-19 impacted migrant workers in Canada. Loreto discuss the work and living conditions of various farms in Canada during Covid-19, as well as how the government … 23 $2.30 Add

Feminist Opposition to Power

From: Take Back the Fight

Chapter nine, Feminist Opposition to Power, considers how mainstream politics have adopted the feminist label whether it is true or not. More broadly, the author considers the dilution of the … 22 $2.20 Add

November 2020: The Race for the Vaccine

From: Spin Doctors

This chapter discusses the Covid-19 vaccine. Loreto examines how the vaccine was introduced by the government and framed in the media, as well as the response of Canadians to the announcement of … 24 $2.40 Add

December 2020: The Gendered Impact

From: Spin Doctors

In this chapter, Loreto explores the gendered-impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Childcare, gendered violence, economic recession, and government failures are discussed. 24 $2.40 Add

Mainstreaming Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Racist Feminism

From: Take Back the Fight

Chapter ten, Mainstreaming Anti-capitalist, Anti-racist Feminism, argues that modern, mainstream feminism needs to be anti-racist, anti-capitalist and anti- colonial in order to be relevant, … 22 $2.20 Add


To Make Radical Feminism Mainstream

From: Take Back the Fight

The Afterword takes a look at the 2020 Nova Scotia mass murder and examines its relationship to misogyny and toxic masculinity, as well as how mass murderers often target women. The chapter also … 6 $0.60 Add

January 2021: Disability Erased and Distorted

From: Spin Doctors

This chapter explores the impacts of Covid-19 on Canadians with disabilities. Loreto discusses the lack of Government aid for people with disabilities during this time. 26 $2.60 Add

February 2021: Workplace Spread

From: Spin Doctors

This chapter explores the second wave of the pandemic in the winter of 2021, and the role that workplaces played in the spread of the virus. 26 $2.60 Add

March 2021: One Year in Media Cuts

From: Spin Doctors

In this chapter, Loreto examine why the Canadian media had frequently reported on Covid-19 using the narrative being peddled by the government, without providing any investigative alternatives. … 30 $3.00 Add


From: Spin Doctors

The conclusion of this book examines life after the pandemic, up until October 2021. 7 $0.70 Add