Steve Coughlan

Showing 1–16 of 50 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Anatomy of Criminal Procedure

A Visual Guide to the Law

The Anatomy of Criminal Procedure: A Visual Guide to the Law illustrates the law of criminal procedure through nearly seventy annotated charts and diagrams. Across the whole criminal process … ; 435 View

Criminal Procedure 3/e

This book sets out and examines the law governing criminal procedure in Canada. It explains the body of rules and principles that govern the investigation, prosecution, and adjudication of any … 557 View

Criminal Procedure, 4/e

This book sets out and examines the law governing criminal procedure in Canada. It explains the body of rules and principles that govern the investigation, prosecution, and adjudication of any … 704 View

Detention and Arrest 2/e

The criminal justice system aims to maintain a balance between the individual interest of private citizens to carry on their lives free from state interference, and the communal interest in … ; 525 View

Law Beyond Borders

Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in an Age of Globalization

This book is about the reach of law beyond state borders from a Canadian perspective. It investigates the scope of the legal and practical power of Canada to assert, and to respond to foreign … ; ; ; 389 View


The Contours of Jurisdiction

From: Law Beyond Borders

Overview of the topics covered in investigating the scope of the legal and practical power of Canada to assert extraterritorial jurisdiction. ; ; ; 7 $0.70 Add


From: Criminal Procedure 3/e

Introduction to the rules and principles governing the investigation, prosecution and adjudication of any offence enacted by Parliament for which an accused person would have a criminal record if … 6 $0.60 Add

Police Powers

From: Anatomy of Criminal Procedure

Part 1, Police Powers, examines topics such as search and seizure with and without a warrant, electronic surveillance, investigative detention, and compelling appearance. ; 147 $14.70 Add


From: Criminal Procedure, 4/e

This section includes and author’s foreword, preface, and acknowledgements. 6 $1.20 Add


From: Criminal Procedure, 4/e

This chapter consists of a definition of criminal procedure as it pertains to the law in Canada as well as a list of further readings. 6 $1.20 Add


From: Detention and Arrest 2/e

Describes the focus on “street level” encounters between state agents and private citizens: detentions and arrests that occur in the course of investigating crime and laying charges. ; 5 $0.50 Add

Preliminary Matters

From: Anatomy of Criminal Procedure

Part 2, Preliminary Matters, explains topics such as judicial interim release, jurisdiction, disclosure and production, determining the mode of trial, and pre-trial motions. ; 130 $13.00 Add

Sources of Criminal Procedure

From: Criminal Procedure 3/e

Discussion of the constitutional, statutory and common law sources of police investigative powers and of pre-trial and trial procedure. 28 $2.80 Add

State Jurisdiction

Drivers of Change in Canadian Practice

From: Law Beyond Borders

Discussion of globalization and technological development as a backdrop for examining Canada’s approach to extraterritorial action. ; ; ; 21 $2.10 Add

Elements of Criminal Procedure

From: Criminal Procedure 3/e

Discussion of classification of offences and mode of trial, elementary notions of jurisdiction, and statutory procedure from charging to trial. 31 $3.10 Add

Nature of the Interaction Between Police and Individuals

From: Detention and Arrest 2/e

Deals with common law and statutory sources of police powers, grounds to arrest and detain, and issues surrounding the exercise of those powers. ; 109 $10.90 Add