Tony Simmons

Showing 1–16 of 17 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Restless Ideas

Contemporary Social Theory in an Anxious Age

How do we make sense of the rise of political strongmen like Trump and Erdoğan, or the increase in hate crimes and terrorism? How can we understand Brexit and xenophobic, anti-immigrant … 592 View


From: Restless Ideas

1 $0.10 Add


The Changing Face of Contemporary Theory

From: Restless Ideas

The Waning of the Western Worldview … 1 Eurocentrism and Its Discontents … 3 The Crumbling Canon of Social Theory: The Classics … 9 The Expanding Horizons of Contemporary Social … 20 $2.00 Add

Why Do We Theorize?

From: Restless Ideas

Living on the Brink … 21 Social Theory in an Anxious Age … 23 An Age of Indeterminacy … 24 Looking Back at Twentieth-Century Sociological Theory … 27 Looking Around at … 26 $2.60 Add

Theorizing Our Human Systems

From: Restless Ideas

Systems Are Everywhere … 47 Living in Systems … 52 A Brief History of the Social System … 53 The Language of Social Systems Theory … 55 From Anthropology to Sociology … 49 $4.90 Add

Theorizing Our Conflict Zones

Conflict Theories of Society

From: Restless Ideas

The Human Habit of Social Conflict … 96 Optimism, Pessimism or Realism? … 100 Origins of Conflict Theory … 102 Modern Sociological Conflict Theory … 105 The Structural … 42 $4.20 Add

Theorizing Our Class Divisions

Neo-Marxist and Post-Marxist Theories of Society

From: Restless Ideas

The Modern Legacy of Karl Marx … 138 The Many Faces of Contemporary Marxism … 147 Critical Theory … 150 Structuralist Marxism … 150 Post-Marxism … 164 The … 43 $4.30 Add

Theorizing Our Dominated Lives

Three Generations of Critical Theorists

From: Restless Ideas

The Critical Vision of the Frankfurt School … 181 The First Generation … 182 Herbert Marcuse … 187 The Second Generation … 194 Jürgen Habermas … 195 The Third … 51 $5.10 Add

Theorizing Our Social Selves

Microsocial Theories of Symbolic Interaction and Dramaturgy

From: Restless Ideas

The Rise of Microsocial Theories … 232 Other Microsocial Theories … 235 George Herbert Mead: Original Pioneer of Symbolic Interactionism … 239 The Vocabulary of Interactionism … 41 $4.10 Add

Theorizing Our Methodical Lives


From: Restless Ideas

The Methods in Our Madness … 273 Studying the Common Sense Methods of Everyday Life … 275 What Ethnomethodologists Study … 281 The Vocabulary of Ethnomethodology … 282 … 38 $3.80 Add

Theorizing Our Discursive Lives

Postmodernism and Poststructuralism

From: Restless Ideas

The Postmodern Age … 311 What Is Postmodernism? … 314 Characteristics of Postmodernism … 315 The Roots of Postmodern Theories … 321 Michel Foucault: Pioneer of … 63 $6.30 Add

Theorizing Our Gendered and Sexual Selves

Feminist and Queer Theories

From: Restless Ideas

For Women, the Struggle Continues … 374 The Wave Narrative of Feminism … 376 The Many Faces of Feminism Today … 385 Standpoint Theory … 392 Intersectionality Theory … 44 $4.40 Add

Theorizing Our Colonial Histories

Indigenous Knowledge and Social Thought

From: Restless Ideas

Colonization and Knowledge … 418 Indigenous Knowledge … 421 The Decolonization of Indigenous Knowledge … 423 Indigenous Knowledge and Western Science: Beyond Contestation to … 23 $2.30 Add

Theorizing Our Anxious Age

Theorists of Late Modernity

From: Restless Ideas

What Is Late Modernity? … 441 From Modernism to Late Modernity: The Social Theories of Anthony Giddens and Pierre Bourdieu … 447 Structuration Theory of Anthony Giddens … 448 … 64 $6.40 Add

Theorizing Our Shrinking World

Globalization and Its Discontents

From: Restless Ideas

The Global Age … 505 The Many Voices of Globalization Theory … 512 Manuel Castells and the Network Society … 533 Ulrich Beck and the Risk Society … 538 References … 550 52 $5.20 Add


The Expanding Universe of Social Theory

From: Restless Ideas

From the Crumbling Western Canon to the Hidden Global Heritage … 559 References … 561 5 $0.50 Add