Warren Weir

Atlantic Aboriginal Economic Development Integrated Research Program
The Atlantic Aboriginal Economic Development Integrated Research Program (AAEDIRP) is a partnership between the member communities of the Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs Secretariat (APCFNC), the Innu and Inuit of Labrador, twelve Atlantic Canadian universities and federal and provincial government funders. The main purpose of the AAEDIRP is to improve the knowledge base concerning Atlantic Aboriginal economic development in order to improve the lives of Aboriginal peoples in the region.

Showing all 11 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Aboriginal Measures for Economic Development

This volume explores Indigenous measures of economic development in First Nations Atlantic Canadian communities that are of relevance for First Nations peoples. This volume illustrates the key … ; 232 View

Introduction – Defining and Measuring Aboriginal Economic Development Success

From: Aboriginal Measures for Economic Development

; 5 $0.55 Add

Part 1 – The Social Impacts of Economic Development (Miawpukek, Millbrook and Tobique) A Case Study of the Social Impacts of Economic Development in Miawpukek Mi’kmawey Mawio’mi Connie River, Newfoundland and Labrador

From: Aboriginal Measures for Economic Development

; 31 $3.41 Add

A Case Study of the Social Impacts of Economic Development in Millbrook First Nation

From: Aboriginal Measures for Economic Development

; 23 $2.53 Add

A Case Study of the Social Impacts of Ecomomic Development in Tobique Maliseet First Nation

From: Aboriginal Measures for Economic Development

; 41 $4.51 Add

Part 2 – Baseline Data for Aboriginal Economic Development: An Informed Approach for Measuring Progress and Success Introduction to Part 2

From: Aboriginal Measures for Economic Development

; 10 $1.10 Add

Community Economic Development and Indicators of Change

From: Aboriginal Measures for Economic Development

; 31 $3.41 Add

Comparing Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Communities and Individuals

From: Aboriginal Measures for Economic Development

; 39 $4.29 Add

Indicators Specific to Aboriginal Communities and Individuals

From: Aboriginal Measures for Economic Development

; 16 $1.76 Add

Concluding Comments on Part 2

From: Aboriginal Measures for Economic Development

; 5 $0.55 Add


From: Aboriginal Measures for Economic Development

; 3 $0.33 Add