
Showing 385–400 of 452 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

A Possible Future: The World We Can Win

From: The Memory We Could Be

From a climatic perspective, our transformation requires two axes: a massive reduction of emissions and a massive reduction of injustice. We must diminish vulnerabilities, reduce the drivers of … 23 $2.30 Add


Protecting One's Resources

From: Ecological Footprint

How can Ecological Footprint accounting help frame risks and opportunities in countries with low income, and sometimes also low biocapacity? ; 28 $2.80 Add

Assessing the Intersections of Sex, Gender, and Other Identity Factors in the New Canadian Impact Assessment Act

From: The Next Generation of Impact Assessment

This chapter draws from feminist and resource management scholarship to identify key trends important to the understanding and realization of good-practice gender and diversity analysis and … ; 20 $2.00 Add


From: Emergent Agriculture

The Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model is transformative. It changes the way farmers farm, the way markets function, and the way consumers relate to the production chain. The CSA model … 5 $0.50 Add

Deep Time – Reconnecting with Past and Future Generations

From: Coming Back to Life

People of today relate to time in a way that is surely unique in history. The technologies and economic forces unleashed by the Industrial Growth Society radically alter our experience of time, … ; 23 $2.30 Add

Level The Playing Field

From: A Finer Future

This chapter explores methods for addressing inequality in our society and asks whether basic income or job guarantees could be effective solutions. ; ; ; 21 $2.10 Add

Part 3: Mobilizing Citizens and Their Governments

Governing Sustainable Communities

From: Toward Sustainable Communities

This chapter is about governing sustainable communities, and explores both governance and government in this context. In particular, it focuses on public participation, decision-making, the role … 17 $1.70 Add

Picture Credits

From: The Culture of Nature

Picture credits 3 $0.30 Add

Scarcity, Yes; Conflicts, Maybe

From: Back to the Well

In this chapter, de Villiers asks whether water shortages lead to war, under what circumstances these conflicts occur, and where in the world they are most likely to spark. 35 $3.50 Add

Step 4: Piloting

From: Fostering Sustainable Behavior

Think of a pilot as a “test run,” an opportunity to work out the bugs before committing to carrying out a strategy broadly. As noted in the chapters on developing strategies, the … 7 $0.70 Add

The End of One Era, The Beginning of Another

A Letter From the Future

From: Peak Everything

Greetings to you, people of the year 2007! You are living in the year of my birth; I am one hundred years old now, writing to you from the year 2107. I am using the last remnants of the advanced … 12 $1.20 Add

Transforming our Politics

Bold Leadership, Then, There and Now

From: A Good War

In Chapter 12, Klein examines how we must transform our politics and our politicians, how we must vote for leaders who are willing to act and plan like Climate Change is an emergency. Klein … 28 $2.80 Add

Weaving a New Story of Meaning

From: The Web of Meaning

The chapter concludes that an ecological civilization will emerge only when the symbiotic linkages between people become a more powerful force than the competitive impulses engendered by the … 34 $3.40 Add

Zen Water

From: Dry Run

In the green building movement, there is a “hyper-green” approach called restorative or regenerative building, which generates more water and energy than it uses and puts this excess … 9 $0.90 Add

A Mosaic of Alternatives

From: The Memory We Could Be

What follows is not an exact formula or a plotted route to climate safety. It is a brief map of 12 terrains of possibility, which may represent existing and potential pathways for a transition. 46 $4.60 Add