Showing 1–16 of 41 results
Title & Subtitle | Abstract | Contributors | Pages | Year | Purchase |
The Imaginary IndianThe Image of the Indian in Canadian Culture |
First published in 1992, The Imaginary Indian is a revealing history of the "Indian" image mythologized by popular Canadian culture since 1850, propagating stereotypes that exist to … | Daniel Francis | 284 | 1992 | View |
The Imaginary Indian, 1st EditionThe Image of the Indian in Canadian Culture |
First published in 1992, The Imaginary Indian is a revealing history of the “Indian” image mythologized by popular Canadian culture since 1850, propagating stereotypes that exist to … | Daniel Francis | 284 | 1992 | View |
Victims of BenevolenceThe Dark Legacy of the Williams Lake Residential School |
An unsettling study of two tragic events at an Indian residential school in British Columbia which serve as a microcosm of the profound impact the residential school system had on Aboriginal … | Elizabeth Furniss | 142 | 1992 | View |
From PrefaceFrom: Victims of Benevolence |
In most books, historical records have been written by non-Natives and thus reflect a non-Native cultural orientation. As a result, Native perspectives are often excluded from documentary sources … | Elizabeth Furniss | 16 | 1992 | $0.16 Add |
From Preface to the Second Edition, Acknowledgements, Foreword by Randy Fred, IntroductionFrom: The Imaginary Indian |
Randy Fred debunks the concept of “Indians” and claims that Native people live within a world of imagery that isn’t their own. Daniel Frances further explores the myth that is … | Daniel Francis | 43 | 1992 | $4.30 Add |
From Preface to the Second Edition, Acknowledgements, Foreword by Randy Fred, Introduction |
Randy Fred debunks the concept of “Indians” and claims that Native people live within a world of imagery that isn’t their own. Daniel Frances further explores the myth that is … | Daniel Francis | 43 | 1992 | $1.72 Add |
From A "Sacred Duty"Christianity, Civilization, and Indian Education From: Victims of Benevolence |
Roman Catholic missionaries and the Canadian government shared a vision: to see Native people, through residential schooling, abandon their cultural heritage and their nomadic hunting and fishing … | Elizabeth Furniss | 40 | 1992 | $1.60 Add |
From Taking the ImagePart I From: The Imaginary Indian |
The author opens part I of the book with a critique of one of the most famous Canadian themed paintings—The Death of Wolfe by Benjamin West and calls it a lie. | Daniel Francis | 25 | 1992 | $2.50 Add |
From Taking the ImagePart I |
The author opens part I of the book with a critique of one of the most famous Canadian themed paintings—The Death of Wolfe by Benjamin West and calls it a lie. The author opens part I of … | Daniel Francis | 25 | 1992 | $0.50 Add |
From The Shuswap Response to ColonialismFrom: Victims of Benevolence |
Despite strong opposition, the Shuswap people were forced to adopt the colonial way of living. They were pushed out of their home and discouraged to practice sacred rituals. Ultimately, in 1891, … | Elizabeth Furniss | 24 | 1992 | $0.48 Add |
From The Vanishing CanadianFrom: The Imaginary Indian |
This chapter calls out the 18th and 19th artists like Paul Kane, Edward Curtis, and others for taking the Indian image and manipulating and displaying in any way they wanted. The image-makers … | Daniel Francis | 50 | 1992 | $5.00 Add |
From The Vanishing Canadian |
This chapter calls out the 18th and 19th artists like Paul Kane, Edward Curtis, and others for taking the Indian image and manipulating and displaying in any way they wanted. The image-makers … | Daniel Francis | 50 | 1992 | $2.50 Add |
From The Early Years of the Mission SchoolEducation and Discipline From: Victims of Benevolence |
Native children learned the skills they needed to survive, and the beliefs, values, and codes of behaviour appropriate to their society, by a trial-and error process of observing and imitating … | Elizabeth Furniss | 28 | 1992 | $0.56 Add |
From Writing Off the IndianFrom: The Imaginary Indian |
In this chapter, the author dispassionately examines the early “image makers”—the writers who travelled through Native nations to give first-hand account of the Native Peoples. … | Daniel Francis | 39 | 1992 | $3.90 Add |
From Writing Off the Indian |
In this chapter, the author dispassionately examines the early “image makers”—the writers who travelled through Native nations to give first-hand account of the Native Peoples. … | Daniel Francis | 39 | 1992 | $1.17 Add |
From A Death and an InquestFrom: Victims of Benevolence |
This chapter highlights the death of Duncan Sticks, one of the boys who`d run away from the residential school. An inquisition lead to witness tesimonies throwing more light on the mistreatment … | Elizabeth Furniss | 31 | 1992 | $0.93 Add |