Indigenous-Canadian Relations

Showing 33–48 of 62 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Canoe Racing to Fishing Guides: Sport and Settler Colonialism in Mi’kma’ki

From: Decolonizing Sport

This chapter focuses on the displacement of Indigenous populations by settler colonial societies from Mi’kma’ki, the homeland of the Mi’kmaq. It also reflects on the … 15 $1.50 Add


Power of the People

From: Warrior Life

In the Conclusion, Power of the People, Palmater reinforces her message of the importance of collective Indigenous resistance to resolve oppression, social injustice and genocide against … 7 $0.70 Add

More Bounties for Human Scalps and the Treaty of 1752

From: We Were Not The Savages

Chapter 7 focuses on the rise of bounties, the Scalping Proclamation of 1749, and the Treaty of 1752. 26 $2.60 Add

Community Development and the Arthur Laing Gang


From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

In the sixth chapter of his biography, George Manuel begins his community development job for the Department of Indian Affairs, starting with training in Quebec City, before being placed in … ; 17 $1.70 Add

The Futile Search for a Just Peace, 1752–1761

From: We Were Not The Savages

Chapter 8 examines the topics of Lawrence’s Scalping Proclamation versus the Phips’s Proclamation, and the 1760s Treaties. 35 $3.50 Add

Burying of the Hatchet Ceremony of 1761 and the Royal Proclamation of 1763

From: We Were Not The Savages

Chapter 9 focuses on the burying of the hatchet ceremony of 1761, and the Royal Proclamation of 1763. 14 $1.40 Add

Down the Garden Path: Chretien/Andras Consultations


From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

Chapter seven of George Manuel’s biography covers 1968 and 1969, during which time he met and became involved with Marlene August. He was also offered a job working for Harold Cardinal in … ; 15 $1.50 Add

Dispossession and the Imposition of Poverty

From: We Were Not The Savages

Chapter 10 focuses on the hardships and poverty of the Indigenous populations faced due to the disposition and landlessness they faced after English colonization. 19 $1.90 Add

From White Paper to Red Paper


From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

Chapter eight of George Manuel’s biography deals with the Chrétien White Paper in the period of 1969 to 1970 that aims to end the special status of Indians in Canada. Manuel and his … ; 14 $1.40 Add

The Edge of Extinction

From: We Were Not The Savages

Chapter 11 explores how at risk the Mi’kmaq population was during the late eighteenth century. 25 $2.50 Add

The National Chief

From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

Chapter nine of George Manuel’s biography details his path to become National Chief and president of the National Indian Brotherhood and the beginning of his term there, including people he … ; 17 $1.70 Add

Confederation and the Indian Act

From: We Were Not The Savages

Chapter 12 focuses on the impacts of Confederation, the Indian Act, and the Guerin Decision. 71 $7.10 Add

The National Indian Philosophy


From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

Chapter ten of George Manuel’s biography looks at 1971-1972, when as president of the National Indian Brotherhood, he focused on Indian control of education and rebuilding Indian … ; 13 $1.30 Add


From: How We Go Home

The glossary defines the key terms appearing throughout the book. 9 $0.90 Add

International Travels

From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

Chapter eleven of George Manuel’s biography tells of his international travels, first to Australia and New Zealand as part of a Department of Indian Affairs delegation, and the insights he … ; 17 $1.70 Add

Twentieth-Century Racism and Centralization

From: We Were Not The Savages

Chapter 13 focuses on the institutionalisation of racism within the modern Canadian state, explores the role of centralized education, the Shubenacadie Indian Residential School and Indian Day … 53 $5.30 Add