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Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Quebec in Question

This new edition of Marcel Rioux’s bestselling history of Quebec offers an interpretation of the dramatic events of the seventies and the victory of the Parti Quebecois. Written by an … 218 View


From: Quebec in Question

The intellectual foundations of the movement for Quebec sovereignty are set out in this brief, influential book first published in 1969. The book offers an account of Quebec history that … 1 $0.10 Add

Chapter 1

The Quebec Question

From: Quebec in Question

A brief account of the political circumstances in Quebec in the late 1960s, and the emergence of separatist support among the francophone population. 10 $1.00 Add

Chapter 2

From Frenchmen to Habitants

From: Quebec in Question

A brief account of Quebec’s history from its founding to the defeat of France in 1755 and the end of the French regime in Canada. 17 $1.70 Add

Chapter 3

The Defeated Keep the Faith

From: Quebec in Question

A brief survey of Quebec social, political and economic history from 1755 to the rebellion of 1837-38. 29 $2.90 Add

Chapter 4

The Quiet Conversation of a Colonized People

From: Quebec in Question

A brief survey of Quebec political, social and economic history from 1840 to 1945 22 $2.20 Add

Chapter 5

The Springtime of Quebec

From: Quebec in Question

A brief account of political and social developments in Quebec 1945-65, the "quiet revolution" and the conditions that led to emergence of demands for sovereignty. 13 $1.30 Add

Chapter 6

Liberty vs. The Dollar

From: Quebec in Question

A brief description of the colonial state of Quebec society — cultural, social, economic — and the status of Quebeckers as second class citizens within Canada in the postwar period, … 15 $1.50 Add

Chapter 7

The Right of the Richer

From: Quebec in Question

A critique of the position of leading Quebec federalists of the 1960s, focusing on Pierre Trudeau’s arguments against sovereignty. 15 $1.50 Add

Chapter 8

Quebec or French Canada?

From: Quebec in Question

A brief statement of the case that the only guarantee of the survival of French culture and language in America is an independent Quebec — not a bilingual Canada 11 $1.10 Add

Chapter 9

Towards a Free Quebec?

From: Quebec in Question

The economic case for Quebec sovereignty — only a sovereign Quebec will allow Quebec business enterprise to fully develop 22 $2.20 Add

Chapter 10

The Agonizing Steps to Freedom

From: Quebec in Question

A fascinating brief history of events in Quebec in 1970, including a full account of FLQ kidnappings, its manifesto, the reaction of federal and provincial authorities, and the imposition of the … 42 $4.20 Add

Chapter 11

Quebec in Transition

From: Quebec in Question

An account of climate of opinion in Quebec in the late 1970s, and changing social and political attitudes as Quebec emerges out of a colonial mentality. 8 $0.80 Add

Chapter 12

The End of Innocence

From: Quebec in Question

A final chapter on Quebec’s situation in 1978 after the success of Rene Leveque’s PQ and the election of a government committed to a referendum on sovereignty. 11 $1.10 Add