
Showing 113–128 of 452 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Greening Commerce

From: Thriving Beyond Sustainability

Topics include: The New Bottom Lines – The Drivers – Implementing Nature’s Strategies – The Trilogy – Growth, Consumption and Pollution – Creating New … 26 $2.60 Add


From: A Finer Future

This chapter outlines the HANDY study, which identifies the factors that precipitate societal collapse, and asks whether we are headed for such a collapse. This chapter also imagines a … ; ; ; 22 $2.20 Add


Peak Everything

From: Peak Everything

This book is not an introduction to the subject of Peak Oil. Instead it addresses the social and historical context in which Peak Oil is occurring, and explores how we can reorganize our thinking … 29 $2.90 Add


From: The Culture of Nature

The author notes that the book is inspired by two events – a trip to Disney World and the Oka protests outside Montreal – and that he has written a cultural history of nature in North … 11 $1.10 Add

Part 1

The Keys to Human Permaculture

From: Human Permaculture

Definitions and Foundations of Classic Permaculture – The Contribution of Human Permaculture – Change the World, Starting with Yourself – Reconnecting with Our Deep Belonging to … ; 47 $4.70 Add

Part 1: Sustainable Communities, Sustainable Planet

Making Community Policy

From: Toward Sustainable Communities

For communities to move effectively toward sustainability, citizens and their governments should understand the range of policy instruments available to them and the wider context of how … 12 $1.20 Add

Power in the Pleistocene

On Spears, Fires, Furs, Words, and Flutes - And Why Men Are Such Power-Hogs

From: Power

This chapter describes prehistoric forms of human power, including stone tools, fire, animal skins, and language. 43 $4.30 Add

Preface by Joanna Macy

From: Coming Back to Life

This is a guidebook. It maps ways into our innate vitality and determination to take part in the self-healing of our world. It presents a form of group work that has grown steadily since the … 3 $0.30 Add

Quest for Purpose

From: Clean Money Revolution

Clear mind, honest and healthy relationships, emotional integrity, and “clean living” were cures as well as life tenets. Career, money, and health, must be connected. The affluent may … ; 17 $1.70 Add

Reasons for Hope

From: Intrinsic Hope

Life goes on whether we choose to show up for it or not. Living from a stance of hope is the only positive and constructive course of action. In my own life, I often feel overwhelmed and hopeless … 20 $2.00 Add

Rebuild: What You Build Matters, What You Don’t Build Matters More

From: The New Carbon Architecture

In this chapter, the authors explore the difference between net-zero energy buildings and buildings with a low carbon footprint. 7 $0.70 Add


From: The Memory We Could Be

No matter where we may be, we are inseparable from nature. We live in nature, we live with nature, we rely on nature, and we are part of nature. Yet our language hides this. When we use words … 13 $1.30 Add

Step 2: Identifying Barriers and Benefits

From: Fostering Sustainable Behavior

Uncovering barriers and benefits involves four steps. 1) Begin by reviewing relevant articles and reports. 2) Following this review, carry out observations of people engaging in the behavior you … 20 $0.40 Add

The Creation of a Global Water Justice Movement

From: Whose Water Is It, Anyway?

In this reading, the author provides a history of the Global Water Justice movement. She introduces the reader to a variety of individuals from around the world who have shaped this movement. The … 27 $2.70 Add