Criminal Procedure

Showing 97–112 of 178 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

The Role of the Prosecutor at Sentencing

From: Sentencing in Canada

Chapter 6 explores the role of the prosecutor during sentencing including their submissions to the court, their role in plea bargaining and resolution discussions and in addressing the needs of a … 16 $1.60 Add

“A Complex Piece of Writing”

From: Sovereignty, Restraint, and Guidance

Chapter 7 examines the judicial treatment of section 163(8) of the Criminal Code, which defines “obscenity.” We will see that the history of the Supreme Court’s approach to this … 42 $4.20 Add

Appendix II

Reasonable Suspicion

From: Detention and Arrest 2/e

Review of cases dealing with the issue of “reasonable grounds to suspect” in the context of investigative detentions. ; 10 $1.00 Add


From: Criminal Procedure, 4/e

Discussion of powers of arrest given to police officers and available more broadly, both with and without a warrant, and rights arising on arrest. 34 $6.80 Add

Challenging Bail Decisions

From: Understanding Bail in Canada

Explores the concept of challenging bail decisions, focusing on what grounds to challenge a decision and where to challenge a decision. 6 $0.60 Add

Disclosure and Production

From: Criminal Procedure 3/e

Discussion of the Crown’s first party obligation of disclosure, its third party obligation of production, and the regime bridging the gap between the two. 37 $3.70 Add


From: Criminal Law

This chapter examined intoxication as a criminal defence. The author used examples from case law in particular DPP v Beard, R v Leary, R v Daviault to discuss the kinds of intoxication defences. 37 $3.70 Add

Mental Illness and Personality Disorders

From: Conflict Management in Law Enforcement

35 $3.50 Add


From: The Law of Evidence, 8/e

Topics covered in this chapter include: the privilege against self-incrimination, the self-incrimination protection of witnesses, the non-compellability of accused persons at their own trials, … ; ; 82 $8.20 Add

The Case for Jury Independence

From: The Secret Power of Juries

examines the arguments for jury independence including constitutional arguments for jury independence 22 $2.20 Add

The Last Chance Sanction in Youth Court

The Deferred Custody and Supervision Order

From: Children and the Law

Examination of the Deferred Custody and Supervision Order (DCSO). ; 28 $2.80 Add

The Role of Defence Counsel at Sentencing

From: Sentencing in Canada

Chapter 7 explores how Defence Counsel advocates for their client in the sentencing process. This includes identifying mitigating and aggravating factors, and the various forms of evidence that … 24 $2.40 Add

The Youth Justice Court Process

From: Youth Criminal Justice Law, 3/e

Discussion of the court process, including pleas, trial proceedings, fitness to stand trial, appeals, privacy issues, and special youth issues regarding assaults. ; 59 $5.90 Add

Violence Risk Assessment Overview

From: Mental Disorder and the Law 2/e

This chapter looks at risk for violence and the need for, scope, and uses of violence risk assessments. ; 45 $4.50 Add

A More Modest Principle of Voluntariness

From: Sovereignty, Restraint, and Guidance

Chapter 8 argues that, in construing offence provisions, courts have proceeded on the basis that it would be absurd to attribute an intention, on the part of Parliament, to target involuntary … 25 $2.50 Add

Bail on Appeal

From: Understanding Bail in Canada

Discusses bail on appeal, considering the theory and the practice, as well as surrenders into custody, bail in the Supreme Court of Canada, bail pending a new trial, as well as bail and … 12 $1.20 Add