
Showing 2769–2784 of 3107 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Corporate Investment Income

From: Income Tax Law, 2/e

Examination of the rules governing taxation of corporate investment income. 14 $1.40 Add

Environmental Reporting and Information Sources

From: Environmental Law, 5/e

Discusses the challenge of climate change and the policy and legal responses that Canada can take. This chapter touches upon the causes and consequences of climate change, federal climate change … 10 $1.00 Add


From: The Federal Court of Appeal and the Federal Court

6 $0.60 Add

Fiscal Management and Parliamentary Democracy

From: Canada after Harper

Kevin Page lists the many ways good government in Canada has been eroded, notably by the federal government’s usurpation of financial budgetary control, which should properly be exercised … 12 $1.20 Add

Foreign Criminal and Civil Proceedings

From: International Human Rights Law

Discusses foreign criminal and civil proceedings, focusing on jurisdiction, human rights-related foreign criminal proceedings and human rights-related foreign civil proceedings. ; 16 $1.60 Add

Forensic Psychiatry

From: Lawyer's Guide to the Forensic Sciences

Discusses forensic psychiatry, explaining the science of forensic psychiatry by describing evidence-based forensic psychiatry and making the distinction between therapeutic and forensic … 50 $5.00 Add

General Principles of Interpretation

From: Law of Contracts, 2/e

Discussion of the sources that may be examined for the purpose of interpreting an agreement, the traditional canons of construction, and the basis on which courts imply terms in agreements. 51 $5.10 Add

Impact Assessment for Projects on Federal Lands and Outside Canada

The “Federal Projects” Process

From: The Next Generation of Impact Assessment

This chapter explores the process set out in the Assessment Act (IAA) for the assessment of projects on federal lands and projects outside Canada; how this process differs from the rest of the … 24 $2.40 Add

Maritime Collisions

From: Canadian Maritime Law 2/e

Examination of the law governing collision liability. 40 $4.00 Add

Mining Sector Overview

From: Public Lands and Resources Law in Canada

Overview of issues related to resource management of naturally occurring minerals that are mined. ; ; 12 $1.20 Add


From: Holden After & Before

15 $1.50 Add

Other Methods of Judicial Scrutiny of Administrative Action

From: Administrative Law

Explores other methods of judicial scrutiny of administrative action, particularly looking at statutory appeals and collateral attack. 11 $1.10 Add

Overlap and Conflict

From: Statutory Interpretation 3/e

Examination of statutory interpretation in the context of overlap and conflict with other legislation and judge-made law. 22 $2.20 Add


From: Mareva and Anton Piller Preservation Orders in Canada

This chapter looks at the Anton Piller order procedure, including the parties, evidence, full and frank disclosure, and the undertaking in damages. 5 $0.50 Add

Proportionality and the Experience of Punishment

From: Sentencing in Canada

Chapter 18 explores the emergence of individualized proportionality as a fundamental principle of sentencing in Canada. The chapter discusses the history of this principle and the challenges and … 22 $2.20 Add

R. v N.S., 2012

From: The Court and the Charter

A majority of the Supreme Court of Canada set out a test as to when a witness who for sincere religious reasons wishes to wear a niqab while testifying in a criminal proceeding would be required … ; ; ; 9 $0.90 Add