Political Science

Showing 1073–1088 of 3207 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Best-Laid Plans

From: How Government Really Works

Chapter 4 explores how plans are made, and unmade in government. It explores how plans are developed and approved and how success is measured, as well as the myriad pitfalls that can arise along … ; 34 $3.40 Add

Between the Camel and the Range Rover

From: Man at the Airport

In this chapter, Al Kontar describes his inner conflict as he observed the deepening conflict in Syria from the United Arab Emirates. 18 $1.80 Add

Bordering Regimes

From: Border and Rule

This chapter outlines the four border governance strategies used by nations to criminalize migration. 16 $1.60 Add

Bucking a Losing Trend

Glimpses of Grassroots Unionism

From: Quiet No More

Chapter three then studies the impact of grassroots activism in trade unions. Following a review of the debate on the “crisis” in working class politics, I bring in examples to … 48 $4.80 Add

Canada plays the capital-importing loser

From: Sold Down the Yangtze

Canadians assume more of the risk and constraints because Chinese companies own more in Canada, making Canada the capitalimporter in the relationship. By implication, the FIPA’s negative … 12 $1.20 Add

Canada: Death Threat Diplomacy

Part II: Middle Powers

From: China Unbound

Chapter 3 provides a comprehensive case study of China’s relationship with Canada. Key topics discussed include diplomacy, Chinese diaspora and advocacy work in Canada, Huawei and Meng … 32 $3.20 Add

Canada’s Evil Hour in Columbia

From: Blood of Extraction

; 43 $4.30 Add

Case Studies

Conflicts of In terest and En titlement

From: Honest Politics Now

Case studies of conflicts of interest and other kinds of abuse of trust such as Jacques Corriveau and the sponsorship scandal and the Lavigne Affair. 35 $3.50 Add

Chapter 1

Hiring a CAO

From: Local Government in Practice

In this chapter, the reader is a newly elected councillor representing both urban and rural areas who must choose a new CAO. ; ; 8 $0.80 Add

Chapter 3

The Giant Tamed

From: The Canadian Labour Movement

This chapter considers the difficulties of organizing against employer hostility, relative state indifference, economic depression in the 1930s and then the emergence of vibrant new … ; 27 $2.70 Add

Chapter 3

Mandate of the Minister Dealing with Elections and Election Law

From: Anatomy of an Election

A mandate letter from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to Minister of Democratic Institutions Myriam Monsef. 12 $1.20 Add

Chapter 3

Canadian Competition Law Objectives & Foundational Economic Concepts

From: Canadian Competition Law & Policy

This chapter consists of a discussion of the objectives of Canadian competion law and the foundational economic principles upon which these laws are based. The chapter begins with a discussion of … 67 $6.70 Add

Chapter 3

The General Assembly

From: United Nations Law, Politics, and Practice

Topics covered in this chapter include a discussion of the function of the United Nations General Assembly, the process by which new memebers are admitted, the Assembly’s powers and … 66 $6.60 Add

Chapter 3: Writing the Script for Bill C-10 (2019–2021)

From: Canada Vs California

Chapter three shows the creation of Bill C-10 and the initial attempts by the Liberal government to regulate internet broadcasting. Author Howard Law discuss the creation of the 2018 Yale … 14 $1.40 Add

Chapter 4

Curiosity – The Antidote to Contempt

From: Beyond Contempt

In this chapter, the author presents curiosity as the antithesis of contempt and suggests that if we engage those with differing views with a sense of curiosity and empathy we can start a … 20 $2.00 Add