Health Care

Showing 81–94 of 94 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Do You Feel Empowered by Your Job? And Other Questions Therapists Ask Sex Workers

From: The Care We Dream Of

In this essay, the author outlines some important considerations for mental health and social service providers who work or intend to work with individuals engaged or formerly engaged in sex … 14 $1.40 Add

Oppression and the Political Economy of Health Inequities Elizabeth

From: Oppression

This chapter seeks to understand health from a structural perspective, which involves analyzing the origins and results of social, political, economic and cultural power hierarchies. 20 $2.00 Add

Borrowed Wisdom

Using Lessons from Queer History and Community in Suicide Intervention

From: The Care We Dream Of

Drawing on twenty years doing suicide intervention in her communities, and five years teaching about it, the author outlines six lessons she hopes can guide the reader when supporting someone who … 9 $0.90 Add

Human Rights and Health

From: Oppression

This chapter discusses core concepts about human rights and the evolution and future of health as a human right in Canada and beyond. 22 $2.20 Add

Is money enough?

The Trudeau record on health care

From: The Trudeau Record

This chapter examines the Trudeau government’s record on health care. ; 18 $1.80 Add

COVID-19: Oppressions Laid Bare

From: Oppression

This chapter serves as a synthesis of the entire book by reiterating key concepts and topics covered throughout the book. It also looks at future directions in the study of health and oppression … 18 $1.80 Add

Ritualizing Queer Care

From: The Care We Dream Of

In this chapter, the author writes a memoir of a friend’s death due to the indifference of the health care system, while also describing her experience of heath care indifference with an … 6 $0.60 Add

Surviving Together

From: The Care We Dream Of

In a queered way of conceptualizing family, reproduction, and parenting,the author describes the make up of her family. She draws on imagry such as a mason jar and a dream, family as a technology … 26 $2.60 Add

Sowing Seeds from My Ancestors, Planting Seeds for My Descendants

Interview with Sean Saifa Wall

From: The Care We Dream Of

The author inverviews Sean Saifa Wall, a Black queer intersex activist, visual artist, and rising scholar. Saifa is committed to racial equity and a radical vision of bodily autonomy for intersex … 14 $1.40 Add

Hungry for Possibilities

Too Many Beloved Dead, Too Few Elders

From: The Care We Dream Of

In this essay, the author details her dreams of something different. These dreams are not just for herself, but for every queer and trans person lucky enough to get old, for the communities she … 25 $2.50 Add

The Emancipatory Potential of Aging

Interview with Hannah Kia

From: The Care We Dream Of

The author interviews Hannah Kia, PhD, RCSW, an assistant professor at the University of British Columbia’s School of Social Work in Vancouver, BC, whose research centres on LGBTQ/2+ aging … 10 $1.00 Add

Libera me

From: The Care We Dream Of

The author presents a fictionalized account of a dying queer man, his brief, bright, sojourn in hospital, and his death via medical assistance in dying, surrounded by his community of friends. 6 $0.60 Add

Put Me in the Living Room and Cover Me with Flowers

Queering Death

From: The Care We Dream Of

In this account of her mother’s death, the author elaborated on the do-it-yourself attitude she brought to queering her grief, and also the the healing relationship she developed with death … 20 $2.00 Add