University of Ottawa Press

Showing 417–432 of 471 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Governance of Culture

Words of Caution

From: Accounting for Culture


Culture, cultural value, and heritage are all weasel words and connote multidimensional, shifting, and elusive realities. The deconstruction of these concepts and of these realities with the … 14 $1.68 Add

Lady Cadets

From: To Serve Canada


The Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada reported in 1970 that the government should give women the same support for a university education as it gave men through the Regular Officer … 9 $1.17 Add

Miracles as Evidence for God

From: God and Argument - Dieu et l'argumentation philosophique


Far from regarding miracles as evidentially significant, professional philosophera and theologians in the last two centuries have tended to view miracles as obstacles to belief. 11 $1.32 Add

Nigerian Women in Prison: Hostages in Law

From: Colonial Systems of Control


The Daniel case problematizes the common-sense equation between crime and punishment, and demonstrates that what is considered “criminal” is situational and culturally specific. In … 22 $2.20 Add

Pour une convention multilaterale sur la culture

From: The Canadian Distinctiveness into the XXIst Century - La distinction canadienne au tournant du XXIe siecle


Si les cultures du monde sont diverses, et elles le sont, si cette diversité constitue une valeur radicale, alors il faut en tirer les conséquences et lancer le grand chantier de … 6 $0.48 Add

Restricted Codes and Transcoding

From: Teaching Translation from Spanish to English


Teaching units 18 to 26: Standardized language, Recipes and instructions, Institutional reports – the United Nations, Weather reports, Meteorological expressions used metaphorically, Job … 36 $4.32 Add

Stolen Sisters’: Discrimination and Violence Against Indigenous Women as Represented in Canadian Films

From: Aboriginal Canada Revisited


In spite of cautious improvements, the situation of many Aboriginal women face is still appalling, and the report reveals cases of sexually assaulted, missing, and/or brutally murdered Aboriginal … 36 $3.60 Add

"The Torrent" 1947

From: The Quebec Anthology


The short story "Au bord du torrent" was published in October 1947 in Amerique française, and appeared in book form in 1950, when Le Torrent won the Belgian Royal Academy’s … 36 $2.16 Add

Cohesion and Coherence

From: Teaching Translation from Spanish to English


Discusses cohesion in a text, provided by a network of lexical, grammatical, and other relationships that provide links in the surface structure of the text, as well as coherence in a text, which … 16 $1.92 Add

Electronic Commerce Policy and the European Commission

From: Cyberidentities


During the last year significant progress has been achieved in mapping out the issues in global electronic commerce, and even in reaching a certain degree of consensus on principles between major … 5 $0.70 Add

Governance and Emergent Transversal Citizenship: Toward a New Nexus of Moral Contracts

From: From Subjects to Citizens


Australian and Canadian citizenships are emergent idiosyncratic realities. These complex institutions are the result of the on-going interaction between values and environment. The sort of social … 31 $3.10 Add

Identity and Otherness in Canadian Foreign Policy

From: The Canadian Distinctiveness into the XXIst Century - La distinction canadienne au tournant du XXIe siecle


In this essay, discourse on otherness is an analytical resource, expressed on three levels in Canadian foreign policy. 20 $1.60 Add

Protecting the Human Rights of People with Mental Health Disabilities in African Prisons

From: Colonial Systems of Control


It has been argued that the mentally ill are victims of two failed public policies: the failure of public officials to ensure an effective mental health system, and an overly ambitious criminal … 23 $2.30 Add

The Contextual Turn in Learning to Translate

From: Lexicography, Terminology, and Translation


Dictionaries and corpora remain essentially different tools. Dictionaries chase a moving target (as Sue Atkins has said), corpora get closer to this moving target, but even they are always … 12 $1.68 Add

The Design Connection

From: God and Argument - Dieu et l'argumentation philosophique


The intention of this paper is to argue that an analysis of the concept of design will provide grounds to refute any connection between this idea and arguments for the existence of God. 11 $1.32 Add

The Libreville Conference and Federalism in Canadian Foreign Relations

From: 1968 in Canada


In February 1968, Quebec’s Minister of Education, Jean-Guy Cardinal, attended the meeting of francophone ministers of education in Libreville, Gabon. After almost a decade of disagreements … 17 $1.70 Add