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Showing 9921–9936 of 12113 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

A civilian casualty

From: Within the Barbed Wire Fence

Discusses one of the camp members who he had known well dying due to appendicistis ; 4 $0.40 Add

A Fine and Baffling Interplay

From: Woman, Watching

Chapter Fifteen explores more of Louise’s challenges later in life. This chapter discusses the move away from amateur ornithology and its professionalization, her continuation of publishing … 21 $2.10 Add

A Human Right — Or Is It?

From: Gay Marriage

Examines the 2005 debate on Bill C-38 in the house of commons and the arguments made by the leaders of the political parties ; 19 $1.90 Add

A Journey from Israel to Palestine

From: Canada Since 1960: A People's History

It was nearly four years after Canadian Dimension’s first issue that the subject of Israel appeared in its pages. And it was many years later before Palestine and Palestinians assumed a … 14 $1.40 Add

A Klan For New England

SECTION THREE - The reception of franco-americans

From: A Distinct Alien Race

This chapter explores the history of the Ku Klux Klan, their activities in New England, and their views on/treatment of Catholic Franco-Americans, considering their religious crusade to defend … 34 $3.40 Add

A Man’s World

From: Walking Away from Hate

; 14 $1.40 Add

A Militarized Society

From: A Beauty that Hurts

This chapter discusses army rhetoric and examining what the role of an army should be in a country like Guatemala. 5 $0.50 Add

A Parachute for Ralph

From: Breaking the Word Barrier

Richard Doiron recounts the story of Ralph. The chapter discusses his functional illiteracy, difficulties in school, foster care, the Moncton Boys & Girls Club, and his active journey to literacy. 5 $0.50 Add

A Railway, a City, and the Public Regulation of Private Property

CPR v City of Vancouver

From: Property on Trial

Examination of a 2006 Supreme Court of Canada case arising from the Canadian Pacific Railway’s challenge to a City of Vancouver development plan, and what it reveals about the boundary … 32 $3.20 Add

A Rational Human Being

From: The Trauma Beat

In this chapter, Cherry narrates her discussion with a fellow crime reporter. They discuss the psychological damage created by a career centred on violence and tragedy. They explore how this … 12 $1.20 Add

A Wall of Brick and Rage

From: Whose Streets?

2 $0.20 Add

Aboriginal Feminist Action on Violence Against Women

From: Making Space For Indigenous Feminism

; 12 $1.20 Add

Aboriginal Peoples in British Columbia: From Impoverished to Restored Societies?

From: British Columbia Politics and Government

Description of the socio-economic situation of Aboriginal peoples in BC and an assessment of proposals for improvement. ; 20 $2.00 Add

About the Authors

From: Engage, Connect, Protect

2 $0.20 Add

Advancing Canada’s Information Highway: Strategies for the New Millennium

From: Cyberidentities

This paper outlines the work of the Information Highway Advisory Council and its vision for the knowledge-based society. ; 14 $1.96 Add