
Showing 225–240 of 324 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase


Pandora's Gift

From: Intrinsic Hope

Intrinsic hope is a choice we can each make every moment of our lives. We can’t choose the circumstances of our birth and we may not have much choice about the circumstances of our death, … 5 $0.50 Add

Dirty Hands, Deception and Duplicity

From: Honest Politics Now

Discusses "dirty-handed politics" (unethical behaviour rationalized as serving the public good) such as dirty campaigning and moves made in the name of state and national security. 48 $4.80 Add

Duped and How

Assault on Democracy with Alex Himelfarb

From: I'm Right and You're an Idiot

Himelfarb believes that the Right prefers to shut down public discourse and that modern life makes it easy for this to happen. Issues of the common good often don’t make it to the table. It … 7 $0.70 Add



From: In Praise of Retreat

Epilogue 7 $0.70 Add

Ethics in Nature-based Therapy

From: Nature-Based Therapy

As ethical practitioners and researchers, we ask our colleagues to ensure your practices are guided by an ethic of care, child and family rights, and professionalism. Ultimately, in the name of … ; ; 27 $2.70 Add

Incident at Highland High

From: Weapons of Mass Instruction

Last January, a sixteen-year-old German girl — shy and well-behaved — was arrested in her home in Nuremberg, Germany, by fifteen armed policemen. Her crime was homeschooling. Reading … 16 $1.60 Add

Kant’s Attack on thé Cosmological Argument

From: God and Argument - Dieu et l'argumentation philosophique

In his book Approaches to God Jacques Maintain states in passing that Kant’s attack on thé ontological argument is solid, but that his réfutation of cosmological arguments is not. 13 $1.56 Add

Meeting with the Ethics Committee

From: Protecting Research Confidentiality

Looks at meeting with the SFU’s ethics committee in their conduct in the Ogden Case ; 12 $1.20 Add


From: On Love and Tyranny

This chapter describes Arendt’s flight to Montauban, a small town whose socialist mayor refused to obey the new Vichy regime. There, she searched for information about her husband, until … 5 $0.50 Add

Step 3: Developing Strategies – Barriers

Convenience: Making it Easy to Act

From: Fostering Sustainable Behavior

If the behavior is unpleasant or time-consuming, for example, no matter how well you address internal barriers your community-based social marketing strategy will be unsuccessful. The first step … 9 $0.90 Add

The Body of the Sea

From: The Biology of Wonder

This chapter explores why we must focus on a multiplicity of species to understand the enigma of life. 19 $1.90 Add

The End of One Era, The Beginning of Another

Bridging Peak Oil and Climate Change Activism

From: Peak Everything

The problems of Climate Change and Peak Oil both result from societal dependence on fossil fuels. Climate Change has to do with carbon emissions and their effects — including the impacts on … 19 $1.90 Add

The Uncritical Acceptance of New Technologies

From: Techno-Fix

The Uncritical Acceptance of New Technologies discusses five topics related to the widespread belief in the inevitability of technological change: the myth of value-neutrality, the technological … ; 20 $2.00 Add

Theater as Interaction and Identity Creation

High Status and Low Status Characters

From: The Power Manual

Theater as Interaction and Identity Creation, explores the first of two social spaces that at their core are about the exchange of power — theater and games. Fundamentally, to act is to … 11 $1.10 Add