Canadian Politics

Showing 801–816 of 1084 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Canada and the World in the Era of "Globalization"

From: Our Lives: Canada after 1945

Since 1980. Demonstrates the extent to which Canadian responses to the international marketplace and international politics were changing in the later decades of the twentieth century 25 $2.50 Add

Canada as a Multinational Democracy

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

Excerpt of an introduction by James Tully to a study of multinational democracies, setting out what a democratic constitution needs to accommodate members of a multinational society. ; ; 5 $0.50 Add

Chapter 12

The End of Innocence

From: Quebec in Question

A final chapter on Quebec’s situation in 1978 after the success of Rene Leveque’s PQ and the election of a government committed to a referendum on sovereignty. 11 $1.10 Add

Chapter 8

Increasing User Fees for Recreation

From: Local Government in Practice

Chapter eight again places the reader in a junior financial analyst role, where they must figure out how to best serve the public interest in the face of a need to raise fees for recreation services. ; ; 8 $0.80 Add

Chapter 9: Bill C-11 and the Commissioners (2023–2024)

From: Canada Vs California

This chapter focuses on policy directives about how Bill C-11 after gaining Royal assent was to be implemented. Howard Law covers the first round of public hearings, the key policy directives … 15 $1.50 Add

Cooperation Without Capitulation

From: Living with Uncle

Examines the challenge Canada faces from the deep integration threat and the common idea of it as an inevitability. States that Our challenge in the years ahead must be to make clear to Canadians … 6 $0.60 Add

Disability Doesn’t Discriminate

But Programs and Policies Do

From: Divided

This essay examines the cutbacks to Saskatchewan’s disability assistance programs, which were driven by divisive austerity principles. 14 $1.40 Add

Doing My Part to Contribute to Nunavut

From: Let's Move On

Okalik talks about the future of Nunavut and his commitment to helping the province to move forward and thrive. 5 $0.50 Add

Environmental Law

From: The Federal Court of Appeal and the Federal Court

This chapter focuses on the central principles of environmental law such as the principles of precaution, sustainable development and access to (environmental) justice. This part argues that the … 32 $3.20 Add


From: In Defiance

; 5 $0.50 Add

Forget Reform-We Need a Revolution!

Better Health for Canadian Women through Holistic Care

From: Care and Consequences

24 $2.64 Add

Fractured Federation

From: The Rise of the New West

Looks at the question: Can Canada survive as a federal state in the absence of a strong central government with national policies to balance the needs of all regions in a manner that heals wounds … 25 $2.50 Add

Government Restructuring and the BC Public Service: Turmoil, Innovation, and Continuity in the 2000s

From: British Columbia Politics and Government

Review of reforms of the BC Public Service under Liberal governments from 2001 to 2009. ; ; 27 $2.70 Add

Industry captures the oil sands

From: Oil’s Deep State

Former Alberta opposition leader Kevin Taft examines the Oil Industry’s capture of the oil sands in Alberta as a way to boost the economic interests of the province. 19 $1.90 Add

Part Three Restructuring and Resistance: Theory and Practice Globalization, Trade Pacts and Migrant Workers

Rethinking the Politics of Working-Class Resistance

From: Restructuring and Resistance

15 $1.50 Add

Poverty Makes Us Sick

From: Persistent Poverty

11 $1.10 Add