Political Science

Showing 1137–1152 of 3207 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Libya: NATO Creates a Failed State

From: Oil and World Politics

Analyzes how NATO countries, including Canada, interpreted a UN resolution as justifying an aerial war against Libya in 2011, claimed humanitarian motives (Responsibility to Protect), and … 17 $1.70 Add

Managing Migration

From: Essential Work Disposable Workers

This chapter examines how, since 2006, Canada has constructed an immigration regime that centres temporary migrant labour — the ideal immigration regime in service of global capitalism. … 13 $1.30 Add

Marriage and children: Can we have it all?


From: Nerve

This chapter discusses balancing family life and work as a successful leader. The authors discusses their experience balancing work, life and their partnerships throughout their career. ; 18 $1.80 Add

Marx, Feminism, and the Construction of the Commons

From: Patriarchy of the Wage

This chapter asks: What tools, principles, and ideas can Marxism bring to feminist theory and politics in our time? Can we think today of a relation between Marxism and feminism other than the … 25 $2.50 Add

Methodology to Minimize an Avoid-threat Reflex When Asking Questions

From: The Mediator's Toolkit

This chapter covers the methodology and approach that need to be employed when asking questions so that an avoid-threat reflex response to any stimulus will not be inadvertently experienced by … 15 $1.50 Add

More Peaceful Schools

From: Early Intervention

Outlining schools, bullying and how early intervention is the key. Examines case studies 27 $2.70 Add


Not Guilty

From: The Secret Power of Juries

Looks at the trial of Henry Morgentaler and how the jury returned a verdict of not guilty and how this had far-reaching effects on laws in Canada 24 $2.40 Add

Mussolini the Man of Law

Was the Duce an upright defender of justice?

From: Mussolini Also Did A Lot of Good

The author tackles the popular Italian myth that Mussolini in fact represented a parenthesis of honesty and moral rectitude in the history of the political life of Italy. He examines fascist rule … 28 $2.80 Add

Mutual Aid among Savages

From: Mutual Aid

In Chapter III, Kropotkin examines examples of mutual aid between ‘primitive cultures.’ The chapter explores topics including the tribal origin of human society, the late appearance … 25 $2.50 Add

Nationalism and "Social Imperialism"

From: The Great Class War 1914-1918

As antidote against socialist internationalism, the elite stimulates nationalism. “Social imperialism” à la Cecil Rhodes simultaneously serves as a safety valve that reduces … 18 $1.80 Add

Nature Education and Promotion

From: The Culture of Nature

The chapter examines the growing desire to educate the public, in particular school-aged children, about the preservation and conservation of nature and the environment. The chapter includes 15 … 40 $4.00 Add

Niall Ferguson in Conversation with Rudyard Griffiths

May 6, 2020

From: The World After Covid

Niall Ferguson and Rudyard Griffiths discuss history and possible political, social, economic, and cultural consequences of the pandemic. Topics include historical precedence, public response, … 14 $1.40 Add

Nobel K’iche’

From: A Beauty that Hurts

In this chapter, Lovell explores the life story of Rigoberta Menchú and the controversy that arose from her writings. 9 $0.90 Add

Nothing Can Be Taken for Granted, 1990-1999

From: Leading Progess

In this chapter, Russell details how PIPSC addressed the ideological changes of the 1990s, including a rightward shift in the Canadian political landscape, the growth of neoliberal policies, and … 39 $3.90 Add

On the Body, Gender, and Performance

From: Beyond the Periphery of the Skin

In this chapter, feminist scholar Silvia Federici discusses the concept of gender as performace. She discusses the ways in which gender is an expression of internal and external forces. 7 $0.70 Add