Public Health

Showing 161–173 of 173 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Completing the Vision:

Prevention and Community Health Centres

From: Medicare

Analyzes that the second stage of medicare needs to be about prevention and community health centres 6 $0.60 Add

It’s About Equity and Going Upstream:

Health For All

From: Medicare

Examines how inequality is a factor in the health of Canadians and outlines things that must happen in order to correct this and ensure the health of Canadians 16 $1.60 Add

Poverty and Health:

Implications for Health and Quality of Life

From: Medicare

Analyzes the relationship between poverty and health and how this has been missing from the health discussions by the policy makers 16 $1.60 Add

Growing Inequality, Basic Needs, and Health

From: Medicare

Looks at the growing economic gap and how it factors into the health debate 6 $0.60 Add

People Are Dying for a Home

From: Medicare

Examines how the fight for housing must be included in the fight for basic health care because as long as homelessness exists there will always be a two-tiered system 5 $0.50 Add


Self-determination, Social Determinants, and Indigenous Health

From: Medicare

Examines that now is the time to incorporate an indigenous understanding of health into our medicare system ; 8 $0.80 Add

Canada’s Shared Destiny and the Future of Medicare

From: Medicare

Examines the choice that we as Canadians make about medicare as one that is fundamentally intertwined with our nation’s values and its future. Looks at medicare reform from this persepective 19 $1.90 Add

Medicare as Mainstream Agenda:

The Second Stage

From: Medicare

Looks at the need to include doctors in the medicare agenda 4 $0.40 Add

The Wrong Kind of Rights:

The Charter Threat to Medicare

From: Medicare

Examines the threat that the charter presents to medicare and the people’s place in influencing medicare decisions 7 $0.70 Add

It’s All About People

From: Medicare

Offers six concepts to fixing the health care system while maintaining that it is all about the people 5 $0.50 Add

The Continental Deep Integration Threat

From: Medicare

Looks at the threat to public health caused by the idea of continental deep integration. Looks at the Security and Prosperity Partnershipt, SMART Regulations, trade investment and labour mobility … 6 $0.60 Add

Talking Solutions

From: Medicare

Looks at the Health Council of Canada’s 2007 report that synthesizes four years of public opinion polling (2002 to 2006) on the Canadian health system as it relates to reforming rather than … 7 $0.70 Add

A Political Agenda for Building Medicare’s Next Stage

From: Medicare

Examines how we must broaden the intellectual and institutional spaces for joint social activism — the kind of activism that will advance both medicare and Social Determinents of Health … 12 $1.20 Add